Before you go// Lewis Capaldi - Gempa

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I fell by the wayside like everyone else

Gempa sighed deeply as he clutched a picture frame in his hand. It was a beautiful picture. It had two figures basking in the glow of the swirls of yellow, orange and pink painting the sky, huge love-stricken smiles decorating their faces.

It was him and her.

I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, but I was just kidding myself

His hand hovered above her face in the picture, her (H/L) (H/C) dancing with the wind while her (E/C) eyes shone with impish glee.

He refused to accept the reality.

He refused to let her go.

Our every moment, I start to replace

He closed his eyes tightly, tears threatening to fall. His hand that was once an inch away from touching the picture clenched into fists.

He reminisced their memories together.

The times where they were happy.

Where he thought nothing would be wrong.

Where everything was alright.

'Cause now that they're gone, all I hear are the words that I needed to say

Gempa bit back a sob as the dam finally broke, salty droplets staining his features.

He should've tried harder.

Took care of her harder.

Pampered her with affection harder.

Loved her harder.

Because now, he had to face the consequences.

The consequence of losing her.

To another man.

When you hurt under the surface
Like troubled water running cold

She was the embodiment of Aphrodite and Artemis.

Beautiful and Strong.


She wasn't strong enough to prevent herself from falling out of love.

With Gempa.

Well, time can heal, but this won't

It hurt.

It did.

But Gempa tried to ignore the pain and continued to pursue life. He put up a happy and motherly facade in front of his brothers, not wanting them to worry.

But of course, not all can stand strong.

Some are bound to break.

So, before you go

Not for long, insecurities flooded Gempa's thoughts, making him question his self worth.

Was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better?

Am I too understanding?

Am I too boring?

Am I not enough?

If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather

Gempa couldn't take it anymore thus sobs echoed throughout his room, filling the atmosphere with grief and sorrow.

The once warm and bright beige color scheme of Gempa's bedroom became dull as his sobs became louder and heartbroken.

The weather outside sympathized with him, producing rumbles of thunder and the sounds of rain droplets pelting his window.

He let go of the picture frame.

So, before you go

As the memory of their love came in contact with the cold floor, the glass that protected the piece of paper shattered, its sound mixing with Gempa's cry of pain.

He bent down to pick the broken pieces of glass, ignoring the blood that started to trickle down in his hands.

Broken glass.


Like his heart.

Like their love.

Was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting?

He could have been the man she wanted.

But he was pathetic.


Unworthy of her love.

It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless

She was a girl of insecurities and flaws too but it never bothered him.

He loved him wholeheartedly.

But it wasn't just enough.


It's too hard.

It's too hard to let go.

But if it'll make her happy...

Then he'll let go.

Even if it hurts.

Before you go

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