Cheerleader//OMI - Frostfire

587 30 44

Requested By : Lynn_Leon


When I need motivation
My one solution is my queen

Frostfire wiped the sweat that started to accumulate in his forehead while he hungrily drank the water to quench his thirst. In just a few seconds, the contents of the water bottle was gone, succesfully doing its job as Frostfire immediately felt better.

He took a deep breath to calm his racing heart as the sun above beamed at him, almost as if it was proud of Frostfire.

For what you ask?

Well you see, there was a soccer tournament between his school and another prestigious school the next week so naturally, Frostfire and his team would be preparing themselves for a better performance.

Well, prepared or not, they'd still win anyways-

But the thing is, their practice ended an hour ago but that didn't stop Frostfire from torturi- ehem from pushing himself to his limits.

He wanted to-

No, He HAD to be in his best performance because Y/N was going to be there!

This was gonna be the first tournament that Y/N would attend since she was often preoccupied with her (insert hobby/work).

But in the midst of it all,  she would still try her best to support him by giving him goodluck messages before his game which would often result to a hyperactive  icyhot dude smiling so wide and squeeling so loudly that his team mates would look at him weirdly.

But anywaysss-

Frostfire's ears perked up as he heard soft footsteps coming towards him. He looked at the source and immediately brightened when he saw who it was.

It was his Queen.

'Cause she stays strong
Yeah, yeah

Y/N smiled adoringly at her lover and waved enthusiastically while her (H/C) hair danced with the wind. She happily skipped towards Frostfire and hugged him tightly, not minding the fact that Frostfire was sweaty.

"Hey Frostfire! Why are you still here? I though your practice ended an hour ago?"

Frostfire chuckled in response and patted her head while leaving a kiss on her temple to which Y/N smiled at. They slowly detached from eachother and intertwined their hands together instead.

"Yeah it did end an hour ago butttt i had to practice more so that I could be better and impress you my Queen! You're gonna be there so I wanted to show you the best!" Frostfire grinned cheekily at Y/N while Y/N playfully rolled her eyes.

She is always in my corner
Right there when I want her

"But Frostfireee! You're already the best one for me! No one could ever rival you! You're the best among the best and I couldn't be more proud of that!" Y/N returned Frostfire's grin with her own, flashing her pearly white teeth to her lover.

Frostfire blushed at her words but remained his composure, refusing to give in to the bashful side of his personality.

"Still! You deserve the best my Highness! And as your servant, I shall do my utmost best to impress the Queen" Frostfire proudly exclaimed while kneeling down with one knee and kissing Y/N's hand affectionately.

Pink hues started to capture Y/N's cheeks but it didn't stop her from smacking Frostfire's head lightly.

"You aren't my servant Frociee. If I'm your Queen then it's only right that you are a King as well. My king."Y/N winked then giggled at Frostfire's flaming pink cheeks.

Boboiboy x reader Songfic Oneshot.        ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡qqqqqqqdgeWhere stories live. Discover now