I Like me Better// Lauv- Halilintar

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A/N: : It's 2 in the morning and I ain't have the energy to edit it so warning I guess? Ahehehe


To be young and in love in New York City (New York City)

Halilintar glared at the sun above him, shining ever so brightly and embracing the world with its warm embrace.  The birds flapped their brightly colored wings as they soared around the sky while chirping melodious songs of joy.

It was a really wonderful day but heh Halilintar thought different. The trio troublemakers a.k.a the spawns of satan gave him the most pleasant way of waking him up so you couldn't really blame him.

It was a tngina day indeed until a pair of (S/C) arms hugged Halilintar's back with a smile in her face.

"Hey Hali!" came her oh so lovely voice.

To not know who I am but still know that I'm good long as you're here with me

Like a switch being turned off, Hali's glare dissipated and was soon replaced by small smile. His vermillion eyes that were once filled with irritation and muRdEr were replaced with love and admiration.

Hali slowly turned around to face Y/N and gave her a kiss on the forehead while pink hues dusted his cheeks. Y/N giggled in delight and hugged him tighter.

"G'morning Hali! How was your morning?" Y/N asked while slowly detaching herself from the boy, to Hali's utter disappointment.

"Well, I got woken up by Satan's three children. That speaks enough right?" Halilintar grumbled while crossing his arms in his chest, his mood becoming a tad bit sour.

Y/N laughed and held Hali's hand, pulling him forward with a dazzling smile.

To be drunk and in love in New York City

Oh fk.

Halilintar.exe has crashed.



Halilintar fought the blush that threatened to paint his cheeks and instead, softly smiled.

"Where are you taking me?" Halilintar asked with an amused smile as Y/N almost stumbled over nothing.

"Let's go to my house! I made special cookies just for you!"

Halilintar just hummed in response and allowed Y/N to pull him towards her house.

Midnight into morning coffee
Burning through the hours talking

After a few minutes, Halilintar found himself in front of her house. Y/N wrapped her arms around Halilintar's right arm and urgently pulled himself towards the door, almost falling in the process.

"Come on! The cookies will get cold!"

Hali just snorted in response and playfully rolled his eyes.

"Well, we could have used my power if you were such in a hurry Y/N." Hali retorted with an 'are you dumb?' look.

Y/N's eyes widened in realization as she  giggled bashfully.

"Oh right. Stupid me! hihi"

Halilintar lightly flicked Y/N's forehead to which she recoiled in shock as she threw an irritated glance at Halilintar.


"Are we going in or are the cookies gonna eat itself?"

Y/N immediately opened the front door and quickly pulled Halilintar inside. She pushed him to the kitchen where the table was filled with cookies and other pastries.

Normally, Halilintar would stare at it with boredom and an 'i ain't eating dis piece of sugar' look but the cookies and pastries were special.

They were colored red and black and was adorned with lightning designs.

Halilintar's carmine eyes travelled to each and every sugary piece, a soft smile gracing his lips. His heart clenched with admiration and fondness while his eyes conveyed love and adoration.

Bish, he was so JDHSJAM HAPPYYYY!

"I know you aren't really a fan of sweets but trust me! It's not that sweet...I altered the recipe a little bit so it would be of your liking!" Y/N beamed at him with a proud smile.

Halilintar patted her head and left a kiss on her head to which she blushed at. He smirked at her reaction as he intertwined his hands with hers, gently pulling her towards one of the chairs and courteously let her sit.

Damn, I like me better when I'm with you
I like me better when I'm with you

Whenever Halilintar was with his brothers, his face would often remain stoic and he'd be silent most of the time but when he was with Y/N, he would find himself smiling a lot and having fun.

Mind you, He loved his brothers and he wouldn't trade them for another but it just hits different with Y/N.

He had travelled in the vast abyss of the galaxy many times and had seen multiple stars and the sun but to him, Y/N was the brightest among them all.

Her smile was brighter than the sun and her eyes shone as if million of stars were trapped within her E/C orbs.

"Why did you bake all of these? This is quite a lot for just the two of us" Halilintar asked while biting a piece of cookie.

His eyes immediately widened in shock as the cookie's taste melted into his mouth.

It was perfect.

There was a subtle hint of sweetness to it but nonethless, it was amazing.

Y/N laughed at his reaction and held Halilintar's hand.

"Well, I just wanted to express my gratitude to you. I'm really glad to have you as my lover Hali...Thank you for everything!" Y/N smiled brightly at Hali to which he returned, even though his cheeks were dusted with pink hues.

I knew from the first time, I'd stay for a long time 'cause

Ah yes.

How lucky he was to have been gifted a Godess like you.

Halilintar quickly finished his cookie and also held her hand while smiling hAndSomeLy, his eyes softening with love.

"I-i may not tell you this often but I am thankful as well Y/N...You've made me the happiest when your lips uttered that I was yours...I-i love you Y/N...I truly do"

Y/N giggled happily and stood up and went towards her lover. She loosely wrapped her arms around his neck as she hummed happily.

"I love you too Hali! My love for you will never die unless the sun will go dark which will never happen! You are my sunshine Hali even though your face screams bloody murder hehe!" Y/N laughed while Hali rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you dolt"

And so, the two lovebirds spent the whole day eating Y/N's pastries while bickering like an old couple then saying lovey dovey stuff like a mentally-ill bipolar couple the next few minutes. (nAh, tHey sTiLL cuTe tHo)

Halilintar's day may have started shetey but as long Y/N was there, his day would immediately become better.

After all, she is his light in the dark.

I like me better when
I like me better when I'm with you

———————/.. _ ./../_ ./———————-

A/N: HEy gais! So I had a bit of free time since our training ain't so sure yet and I'm kinda done preparing so I thought, Why not writee? So this was my first request by  kira_steph123 ! Thank you so muchh! Sorry it took so long thoo. So yeah hoped ya'll liked itt!

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