scared//Jeremy Zucker- Glacier

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A/N: So I was making one of Lynn_Leon's request then I got sidetracked when I heard dis song aheheheheh Im shuriiiiii! Btw, read at ur own risk :))


Don't move, there's a lion next to you

Y/N curled into a ball as she took shaky breaths. Her bloodshot eyes that were brimmed with tears were sad and so heartbroken, almost representing shattered glass.

Her frail body shook with grief and melancholy, moans escaping from her lips through the suppressed sound of hiccups.



Waste of Space



Not worth it

Those words rang in Y/N's head as the dark and depressing thoughts swallowed her again.

Soft and dejected cries of pain echoed in her (F/C) room while the sun outside shined in its ever glowing glory, oblivious to the girl crying her heart out.

I pray that your soul survives it through another day

Why was I even born anyways?

I'm a piece of crap.

I'm not important.

I'm a nobody.

Nobody deserves a trash like me.

Y/N closed her eyes tightly as the stinging words started to imprint in her mind, degrading her already low self-esteem to nullity.

As she lifted a hand to wipe her face blotched with tears, the door suddenly slammed open, startling the girl as it resounded with a loud thud.

Squinting, Y/N forced to focus her E/C gaze towards her open door that allowed light to enter her dark and depressing room.

Cause in my dreams, there were angels circling

A lean figure stood in her door, shoulders shaking with worry and heaving short and ragged breaths, as if he just ran a frickin long-ass marathon.

Which he did once his 'something is wrong' radar went tingling-

"Glacier?" Y/N's timid and hoarse voice called out to the figure while sniffing occasionally. Said boy snapped his head to Y/N, his worried and frantic azure eyes immediately softening at the sight of his beloved.

He took graceful and long strides towards his beloved and immediately captured her into his warm and gentle embrace. He delicately stroked her soft (H/C) locks while whispering comforting words to the dejected girl.

I could see everything you ever wanted me to be

"Shh my beloved, it's okay. Everything will be alright...It's okay, I'm right here shhh" came Glacier's angelic and soothing voice. He softly cupped Y/N's cheeks and wiped her tears away while kissing the bags under her eyes, not really minding the tears.

"Now now, I'll kiss it until you stop crying okay? You can tell me what's bothering you my beloved...but it's okay if you don't want to okay? I'm right here...."

Y/N shakily nodded, not trusting her voice to respond.

Glacier smiled warmly at the girl in his arms, hugging her ever so gently yet full of affection and comfort.

Boboiboy x reader Songfic Oneshot.        ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡qqqqqqqdgeWhere stories live. Discover now