Special Chapter//Solar

545 27 15

Read the Author's note at the end :))

Solar's breath hitched as his gray eyes clashed with Y/N's scared E/C eyes.

Yet her face didn't show it. She retained a fearless facade for him.

So that he wouldn't worry.

But he still saw right through her and his heart clenched with worry.

"Let her go" Solar spat with venom laced in his voice.

The guys who held Y/N captive smirked and slung a hand around her shoulders, pulling her closer. Y/N didn't budge and let herself get pulled,fully knowing the consequences if she didn't comply.

She looked at Solar and smiled faintly at him.

"And?What if I don't?"

Solar glared daggers at the man.

"It is me that you want. Let her go. Do not involve her in this. I'll go with you. Just leave her alone"

The man that held Y/N clicked his tongue and let her go.

Y/N immediately ran up to Solar and hugged him.

"Don't leave me please. You can teleport right? Get us out of here. Just..Don't leave me....Don't go with them.." Y/N's broken voice whispered in his ears, causing Solar's hands to clench into fists.

Solar remained silent and broke the hug. He kissed Y/N's forehead tenderly and smiled at her.

He really wanted to teleport and get the both of them out of there, but Solar knew that they wouldn't stand a chance. The group of men came prepared and had high tech thingies(I gOt lAzY) that would disregard his powers. It was risky and would cause harm to him and her.

So he didn't risk it.

For her sake.

And threw something at the ground.

Y/N's eyes widened and stared at it in horror.

'No!' she screamed in her thoughts.

The device that Solar threw on the ground held her down. It sent waves that tampered with her muscle movement thus preventing her from doing any movement. Even as simple as standing, she couldn't do.

"N-no! Solar! DON'T DO THIS! YOU KNOW WHAT THEY WILL DO TO YOU! FCK! " Y/N shouted at her lover as her knees buckled and she was forced to kneel.

Solar turned his back and he gritted his teeth in regret.

He looked at Y/N again and smiled affectionately.

"I'm sorry" he whispered to her.

"N-no! I'm not losing you too.." Y/N croaked out while tears streamed her face.

Solar hated to see her cry and wanted to run to her and whisper soothing words to her and cradle her into his arms. He wanted to caress her hair and pamper her with kisses but he can't.

Her safety matters first.

"I love you"

Y/N closed her eyes and when she opened it, her E/C eyes turned to golden ones.

" D-don't leave me...L-leave him alone! Get away from him! LEAVE!"she cried out.

As her voice travelled around the area, the animals responded to her call.

It was as if her voice held power and the animals were attracted to it, hypnotizing them to follow her commands.

Big vicious birds started to swam around them, their squawks echoing around the area . Their red eyes gleamed and shone with vengeance. The only thing that stopped them from attacking the group of men was their master's order.

Solar's eyes widened at this and stared at her in amusement.

He never knew she had powers.

The group of men became distracted with the echoes of the birds.

They were kinda fascinated with the unusual display of birds flying around.

thus one of them accidentally let an arrow flew.

Unfortunately, it hit something.

It hit someone's heart.

Solar's world became slower as the arrow hit her.

The birds that once flew around dispersed and went away. But before they did, they squawked quietly, as if mourning for their fallen master.

Mourning for Y/N.

Y/N's body proceeded to fall but before she could plummet to the lush greenery beneath her feet, strong pair of arms cradled her.

Y/N smiled faintly at her lover and caressed his cheeks.


Then her hand fell as she took her last breath.

Solar's grip on her tightened when she closed her eyes forever, preventing Solar to see her E/C orbs again.

He hugged her tighter as crocodile tears decorated his features.

"N-no..D-don't take her...N-no! Y/N! H-hey...I'm s-sorry! I w-won't leave you o-okay? P-please..d-don't leave me" he whispered into her ears and buried his head into the crook of her cold neck.

As he cried broken-heartedly, he caught sight of the necklace that he had given her during their first anniversary . He took it in his hand and gripped it tightly.

A windy breeze flew past him, causing his visors to fall to the ground and revealed his glowing eyes.

Someone was gonna pay.

The group of men stared in horror at the scene and looked at each other, having a silent argument of who shot the arrow. Their thoughts, however, were halted when Solar lifted his hand and opened it.

"Gamma rays"

As soon as Solar uttered the two words, white rays of light emerged from Solar's palm and went to the group of men at the speed of light and slowly sucked the life out of them. Their screeches of pain echoed, enveloping the area with the feeling of vengeance and pain.

If you were there, their screams of terror would bring chills down your spine but to Solar, there were music to his ears.

Their screams slowly came to a stop when there was no longer life present in their body. Their eyes rolled at the back of their head and all of their bodies fell lifelessly in the ground, forming a heap of corpses.

Solar's dark chocolate locks began to transcend into white as his sanity slowly advanced to the verge of diminishing. He closed his eyes and when he opened them, it wasn't gray anymore.

It was gleaming red.

He was no longer the Solar that Y/N knew.

He was now Reverse.

And they were gonna pay for what they did to Y/N.


A/N :HEY GAIS SO I MADE THIS LIKE A MONTH AGOO? And yeah it ain't a songficc but anywayss I published this here because I might be inactive for a while since we have training next week anddd I might not have time to write and all so this will be a sorry gift I guess?? ANYWAYS THANKK U FOR THE 200 READS LOVE U ALLLL

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