Bruises// Lewis Capaldi- Duri

423 24 39

Counting days, counting days
Since my love up and got lost on me

Duri sighed deeply as his big ass green eyes(OKe I sHaLL sTaPh bEing hIgh) brimmed with tears. His hands gripped the bermuda grass beneath him, his hands slowly being covered with dirt.

But he paid no mind to it.

Not even the variety of lush foliage and flowers surrounding him could stop him from wandering to his thoughts.

About her.

The one who promised forever.

But in the end, it was a never.

And every breath that I've been takin'
Since you left feels like a waste on me

His dull forest green eyes looked up in the sky but he immediately regretted it once he saw how bright it was.

Usually, he'd be thrilled to see the vast and bright sky as the brilliant sun rays gleam outlined the cotton-ball clouds in a blazing glow.

But not now.

Not when his heart was torn into pieces.

He averted his eyes from the sky and looked somewhere. He caught sight of a flower not too far from him, the blue hues of its petal swaying so gracefully as the wind passed and waved hello.

It was a blue Gladiolus Flower, standing so proudly and elegantly.

I've been holding on to hope
That you'll come back when you can find some peace

Normally, Duri would smile fondly and admire the flower but..

He can't bring himself to..

He can't.

Since it painfully resembled her.

'Cause every word that I've heard spoken
Since you left feels like a hollow street

A Gladiolus flower represented strength of character and integrity. It was also beautiful and graceful.

Just like her.

Duri looked away from the blue flower and looked down, his tears making way to the ground. He didn't wipe it away even though his vision started to get blurry.

His grip on the grass beneath him loosened as sobs echoed throughout the garden.


Did she really have to go?


She promised..

I've been told, I've been told to get you off my mind
But I hope I never lose the bruises that you left behind

'Duri...I'll come back okay?'

'I promise I'll come back! I love you!'

But she broke it.

She broke it the moment her ship crashed and plunged into the blue nothingness, also pulling her down in the vast blue abyss.

Oh my lord, oh my lord, I need you by my side

Duri slowly wiped his tears away and stood up. He went towards the flower and sat beside it. He touched it softly, afraid that he'd damage it.

His eyes stared at the flower with pain evident in his green orbs yet a small fond smile graced his lips.

He sighed deeply, shoulders slumping down as the empty feeling came crawling back again, a painful reminder that she was of no more.

There must be something in the water
'Cause everyday it's getting colder

His brothers often told him that she's in a better place now.


He's not.

He's gonna live with an empty and hollow feeling.

He's gonna live with the regret of not saving her(Ya, yOu cOulDn't cUz sHe wAs iN a sHiP fAr aWay yOu stEwpid cUtiE)

He's gonna live with what ifs and imaginations of what their lives could be.

He's gonna live forever chained to pain's grasp, reminding him over and over again that she's not there with him anymore.

And if only I could hold ya
You'd keep my head from going under

If only.

If only he was there.

He could have saved her.

She could still be here, with him as the warm rays of the sun kissed their faces while they enjoyed the vibrant hues of the flowers around them.

But no.

It'll never happen again.

Duri would often call her 'Flower' as she was beautiful and vibrant, just like one.


She was an Angel now.

Sighing for the umpteenth time, he looked at the blue space above him and lifted one hand towards the sky. He opened his palm, as if reaching for something.

A soft gentle breeze touched his hand, as if reassuring the green-eyed boy.

Duri softly smiled and allowed himself to enjoy the breeze. He let go of his hand and continued to gaze at the sky.

She may be gone.

But she'll always be in his heart.

Maybe I, maybe I'm just being blinded
By the brighter side
Of what we had because it's over

Boboiboy x reader Songfic Oneshot.        ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡qqqqqqqdgeWhere stories live. Discover now