Chapter 11

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Ben had been motionless in his prone position hours before the sun was up, that cold December morning. His laying behind the small tree stump did not give him the rest he wanted. He began to feel the muscle pains caused by the previous day's long walks that he altered with longer runs. And before arriving at the spot he was at that early morning, he had to walk with deliberate stealth for more than thirty minutes that aggravated his fatigue.

It was half past five in the morning. The more Ben glanced at the luminous dial of his G-Shock watch, the hungrier he became. That was a bad sign. He didn't to pass flatus just as yet. He knew that any extrinsic scent would attract the instinctive suspicion of the willy animal he was after. The extrinsic scent would negate the camouflage value of his Ghuilee suit.

"How can it be so enjoying if you get muscle pains, bruises all over your body, not to mention the inconveniences of sleeping on a hammock, of digging a hole for defecation, of drinking spring water, of being bitten by giant mosquitos, and also spending thousands of pesos just be bag a trophy animal whose meat is marginally better-tasting than a domesticated goat?" The professional ballet dancer, clad in Victoria's Secret lingerie. She didn't really want an answer from Ben. It was her indirect criticism before they made love that night in Ben's townhouse in Cabarroguis, Quirino Province. She knew Ben would be provoked, and that she would enjoy what Ben was capable of inflicting to a provocateur like her.

Ben quietly got up from bed, his wristwatch stall vibrating at the hour of 3 AM. He picked up the ripped laces on the floor. He tossed the pieces of lace into the trashcan near the bed. He hung the rest of the lingerie on the armrest of the chair in front of the dresser, despite knowing they were beyond repair. "Women weaken legs, or is it the opposite?" Ben wondered. He left the townhouse for the hunt, leaving the woman out cold and moderately snoring.

At about quarter to seven and still laid on his stomach, Ben noticed a subtle parting of the leaves and twigs about fifty meters to his right. Ben shortened his breath. He looked at the leaves and twigs without turning his head.

Almost imperceptibly among the greenery were thin, pointed twigs that moved a little to the left, then to the right. Something was pulling some leaves apart, and chewing them. The pointed twigs were in pairs. Underneath them was an eye that seemed to look directly at Ben.

Ben reminded himself that he should be able to take the shot or he'll go home empty handed. It took him almost an eternity to slowly bring to his right shoulder the butt-stock of his 70mm Anshutz rifle. Then he lined up the cross-hair of the 3x9 Bushnell scope towards the back of the eye of his prey.

Those days were the interregnum between EDSA People Power1 and 2. Ben hadn't converted yet to Islam. He had no need to invoke the Halal prayer before taking an animal's life for food.

He inhaled very slowly, exhaled about forty percent, then smoothly pulled back the trigger, like the hundred times he did it on the target range.

There was a loud bang then a thud of a collapsing animal. Ben got up. Raised his right arm that held the rifle. Within a few minutes, two sleeveless men wearing Maong shorts came running towards the rifleman. Ben had expected the two sons of pastor Dominguez to wait for the sound of his rifle. The whole family of the protestant preacher was conducting their yearend medical mission for the Ilongot tribes of the Sierra Madre.

One of the approaching men held a chopping bolo in his hand while the second had a skinning knife. They both hugged Ben then proceeded to retrieve the deer, a six-point buck.

"You'll have lots of venison until the new year, tito Ben." Said the taller man who was skinning the deer hanging from a low branch of a tree.

"Give it all to the tribe. I just want the antler and skin." Ben countered.

"He is already waiting for his share, tito Ben." The shorter man pointing with his mouth at the large Brahminy Kite hawk perched on a nearby Lawaan tree.

Ben slowly turned his head towards the tree. "What can we give him? Will he feed separately from the crows over there?'

The shorter man glanced at the taller man. "Brother hawk's favorite is the heart. We can leave the rest of the innards to the crows." He became pensive. "The elders of the tribe say that it brings peace and harmony to the highlands when we share our catch with our brother hawks."

There was a lull in the conversation.

Ben slung his rifle to his right shoulder, took a step facing the Brahminy Kite and raised both arms. "Here brother, accept our tribute to you this holiday season." He paused, pondering on the right words. "Someday they'll give you my heart so that, maybe, there will be peace and harmony not only in these highlands but in the lowlands as well."


The slight humidity and the warmth of the blanket compelled Ben to open his eyes. He was astonished to see Amelita ahead of him. He laid motionless observing Amelita doing a backbend, naked. Ben suspected that Amelita had closed the night's lone, opened window and that throughout the night, ventilation came only from the bathroom hatch.

Amelita's back bent body was parallel to the bed. Her arms were aligned with Ben's vision. Her lower limbs were arched towards the other end of the bed. From that position, her tummy was the elevated part. Her breasts stood erect like ripe mangoes.

Ben decided to get a view underneath her. "Can you maintain it?" He called her attention then got out of bed. "Just breath slowly and feel." Ben went towards Amelit's feet, laid down on the floor, his face fronting her stretched vulva. He kissed her thighs, clicked her labia majora, then her clitoris.

She started to quiver, then fell atop Ben's front body in a soft thud.

They both giggled. Ben realized that he could continue. He held on to her thighs that were spread on both sides of his face. He licked and suck her some more.

Suddenly, he said, "Sweetheart, get off me please."

"Whyyyy?" Amelita demanded sat up on his chest.

He gently pushed her away until she was sitting on his chest. He angled up, his arms supporting his back. "Shouldn't we order breakfast first?"

She got up first on her feet. "Oh, sometimes I hate you Mr. Alsons," and headed straight for the bathroom.

Amelita burped with sudden crudeness. "

FEED MY HEART TO THE HAWKS                  IN SIERRA MADRE (Abridged)Where stories live. Discover now