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Late afternoon inside one of the many studies in this house, Namjoon and I had some alone time. He let me cuddle on his chest while he read Les Liaisons Dangereuses (Dangerous Liaisons) to me, a favorite of both of ours. I like it when he reads to me. Not really for the stories, but for his voice.

I don't have to respond. I just sit there and listen to his milk chocolate voice speak words to match the ones on the page. The way he pronounced his words made my heart flutter for some reason. It's calming. Though sometimes I couldn't help but to interrupt him with a kiss.

Since this trip was kind of last minute and I didn't know a lot about Namjoon's family, they told me they weren't expecting anything from me, which was a kinder way of saying "Don't buy me anything because I'm going to hate it."

But Namjoon's gift. Namjoon's gift is perfect. One of the first things I noticed when I walked into his new home was that he didn't have the Inheritance Cycle series on his shelves. He probably lost them in the move. Those were his favorite books when he was a kid and I know it kills him to reread things on a computer or his phone. Nothing beats the charm of a paper book.

I had to crawl through the deepest trenches to find the four book collection hardcovers because both Namjoon and I hate paperbacks. They are impractical and never stay in good condition. I got to my apartment a day before we left and I've been excited to give it to him.

I got BB a gift too. I stopped by LJU before leaving too, and got BB a set of black and gold Eagles pom poms from the gift shop. I'd give her my uniform too, but there is no way in hell that thing will fit her yet. It's entirely too big.

Naomi and I went out earlier that day too and I helped her pick out a pair of red bottoms for Nala. Naomi is actually really funny and cool. She's like Sooji without the catty. We also bought matching onesies for the family.

She knocked on the door when it was time for all of us to change and start opening gifts. The Kims like doing the gifts on Christmas Eve at midnight instead on Christmas day. Namjoon and his six partners in crime all thought the onesies were tacky, but they also were the ones having the most fun in them.

For a while, Yoongi sang Christmas songs with BB and the other younger kids. He taught them a dance to jingle bell rock, trying to block out Naomi's, Nala's, and I's mean girl version.

Around nine or so, we started a movie, The Santa Claus. I love the family bonding time, but I wish that we were alone again. Even with his arms around me and our hands tightly together, I need more of him.

Under our blanket, he kept things pg. Just holding my thigh and running his free hand going through my hair. He was watching me more than the movie, making it harder for me to breath. I hope his family doesn't know how flustered I am under this comforter.

Me: *whispering* I love you.

Namjoon: *whispering* I love you too.

Me: *whispering* Hold me tighter.

His arms embraced me again, firmly. It felt so good and warm. I looked around the room, the other couples were curled up like us. Namjoon's parents shared a love seat with their hot chocolate, clicking their mugs together. The kids sat up front on the floor, laughing every now and then while BB kept her popcorn for herself.

Namjoon: *whispering* I love you.

Me: *whispering* I love you too.

Namjoon: *whispering* So much.

Me: *whispering* I'm really glad I came here.

Namjoon: *whispering* So am I.

Me: *whispering* I love you.

Namjoon: *whispering; chuckling* I love you too.

Right before midnight, the boys and his sisters looked over at Namjoon. He rolled his eyes and got up from our spot. He was gone for a few minutes, but I missed him and his warmth so much. I snuck out of the den and followed him back to our bedroom. He had changed out of his onesie into a santa suit. I covered my mouth in a ugly laugh.

Me: What is that?

Namjoon: They need a visit from saint nick.

Me: *laughing* You look...

Namjoon: What?

Me: Isn't santa supposed to be older. And rounder?

Namjoon: *laughing* Nari, you're so mind is so primitive. Quick, go back out so the kids don't suspect anything.

Me: Mhm. Ok.

The younger kids lost it at the sight of "Santa Clause". BB sat there with her arms crossed, knowing damn well that Namjoon is behind that mask and not Saint Nick. The other six boys all had their phones out, recording and clowning him. When the kids weren't fully paying attention, Namjoon gave one of the camera's his finger.

He passed all the gifts around, starting with the younger ones and up the line to the adults. BB screamed in excitement when she opened her gift. Namjoon whispered in her ear and pointed towards me, sitting next to her mom.

She jumped on both me and Naomi, giving us both a big kiss. Everyone opened their gifts from each other and mine came in a rose gold box, the size of something that could hold a ring. Inside with a note to meet Namjoon upstairs after all the festivities.


Namjoon: ahem.

Nala: *eyeroll* SANTA I LOVE THEM!

Namjoon: Ho! Ho! Ho! Everyone get in for a picture.

Naomi: *mocking* Ho! Ho! Ho!

Namjoon: *gritted* Don't make me kill you, ho! ho! ho!

Jungkook brought out his tripod out and everyone stumbled in front of the TV. Mr. Kim led me up front in the picture where Namjoon...Santa...whatever, was sitting on an ottoman. I got in his lap and fixed his beard when Jungkook pressed the button, triggering the countdown to the snap. He rushed back to the rest of us in time to smile and snap the perfect family portrait.

Nala: Damn it, I blinked. 

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