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Namjoon had my eyes covered as we walked. I could smell the water as we got closer to the shore. He lifted his palms away and revealed his prepared picnic. He wore his cheeky, dimple smile, proud of his surprise.

Me: This is the ideal date?

Namjoon: Yup. Except...we're not exactly on a beach and we don't have bikes, but this is close enough.

Me: *laughing* This is so cute.

Namjoon: Shall we?

Me: We shall.

Namjoon: Shit.

Me: What?

Namjoon: I left the bottle opener inside.

Me: *laughing* Good job.

Namjoon: *laughing* Fuck.

Me: Here. Give me your shoe.

I covered the top of the bottle with his shoe and banged it twice against the ice bucket. Out popped the cork along with a little bit of bubbles and fizz. He caught the champagne before anything went in his shoe or to waste.

Namjoon: How do you know how to do that?

Me: I may or may not have had a couple of self spirals in college. But that is all better now because I'm here. One a...beach? Lake?

Namjoon: Same shit.

Me: *laughing* With the man I love who loves me back.

Namjoon: No lies there.

Me: And his big beautiful family who also loves me back.

Namjoon: On new year's eve.

Me: On new year's eve.

Namjoon: Am I sensing a toast?

Me: Mhm.

Namjoon: Cheers to...?

Me: Cheers to us being happy for the first time in a long....long while.

Namjoon: Cheers.

We tapped our glasses together and I brought mine to my lips. Namjoon cut off my sip and crashed his lips into mine. By accident, I dropped my glass and spilled it all over the black blanket separating us from the grass.

Namjoon: Shit. I'm sorry.

Me: It's ok. Come here.

I knocked his from his hand too and pulled him into a kiss. He hugged me, pressing us together as if I was going to fade or slip from his hands. His hair felt so soft against my fingers and his lips are like velvet. When they linked with mine...it's heaven.

Me: Going back to the city makes my stomach turn.

Namjoon: *laughing* Coming here made you anxious and leaving here makes you anxious.

Me: Yeah, I know. I'm weird. And this was a very nice trip. I needed the break.

Namjoon: I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Given the rocky start.

Me: If I had siblings I'd be the same way.

Namjoon: Thank you for not hating them.

Me: UGH!

Namjoon: *laughing* What now?

Me: I don't want to leave. It's cold in the city. Here is warm.

Namjoon: You have a fresh new loft waiting for you when you get back to that cold city. And the loft is warm.

Me: ...And I have to tell my roommates I'm moving out.

Namjoon: You haven't yet?

Me: No. I don't like confrontation and they are...

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