Chapter 20- Amusement and Weekends

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Chapter 20- Amusement and Weekends

     After a million glares and a million scoffs directed at me, the day was finally done, and Naomi and I were able to hide in our room together. We stayed in there, cooped up, for the rest of the night until morning came. When it did, we received a prompt wake up knock that echoed through our room.

     "Come on, sweethearts. Get yourselves up! Don't make me come in there!" a distinctly Irish voice warned outside of the door.

     I peeked out of the corner of my eye to see that Naomi was crawling towards the door. When she made it, she flung open the door for him to come in. Once the deed was done, she slunk right back into the bed.

     "That's the spirit," I said weakly to Naomi.

     "It's Saturday," Naomi said as five boys walked into our room. "As in free day. As in sleeping in. I don't know if you Brits are familiar with the term, but we Aussies treasure it."

     "So do Americans," I agreed, and shoved my face under the comforter.

     I shut my eyes for a few minutes, determined to fall back asleep. The boys must have been either working on getting Naomi out or they gave up because I was able to get a few extra minutes of precious sleep and let my guard down.

     I didn't even feel the comforter lift up as a boy with extra curly hair slipped inside of the comforter, right up next to me.

     "Good morning, darling," he said seductively into my ear. It jolted me awake instantly, and my own scream rang through the air as I realized what he had done.

     "That was awful! That was not funny!" I said as he doubled over in laughter.

     "I guess you'll get up now?" Niall asked, still laughing.

     "Yes," I said as I grabbed some clothes. On my way out, I smacked Harry on the arm.

     "I could have been like naked under those covers, Harry!"

     You of all people would know about that, I thought. I almost said it, before I remembered that I wasn't supposed to know that. Crap, that's going to bite me in the butt someday for playing dumb.

     Half an hour later, I had thrown on a tee shirt and jeans. My hair was put up into a bun that I tried to unsuccessfully smooth back.

     "God, girls take forever in the morning," Louis said as we walked out.

     "Yup," I agreed bluntly.

     "Why did you guys get us up at the crack of dawn today?" Naomi asked.

     "We are going to go have some fun!" Louis said, his eyes getting wide. "You guys haven't seen England the proper way- the One Direction way!"

     He tugged us out of the door and towards a white van that was waiting for us outside. I didn't even ask how they had managed to get a hold of one of these here. We all piled in, and I managed to get smushed in the back between Liam and Harry. In the next two seats were Niall and Naomi, and the seats in front of that were Louis and Zayn. Niall, who I wasn't quite ready to trust with my life yet, was sitting in the driver's seat.

     "Louis," I began shakily, "are you actually certified to drive this thing?"

     "Of course," he said, blowing it off like it was nothing.

     "Right," I agreed weakly.

     "Lovely," chimed Naomi.

     Louis stomped on the gas, and suddenly, we were off. Liam put a comforting arm on mine, and my tense muscles relaxed immediately at his touch.

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