Chapter Twenty-Four: Complete Disgrace

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"'re all joining the Combat Unit?" I ask drearily with little interest.

     Ellie does not bother to finish chewing the sandwich in her mouth to respond, "Yeah! Well, we're at least going to try."

"Why though?"

"Are you kidding? Become the new Delta Squad and kick Umbra ass, does it get any better than that?"Daesung joins into the conversation from across the table.

"Delta Squad?" I question. 

"Yeah, there's four different Combat squads, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta. Something happened to Delta Squad and I was told Rilo wants replacements." Ellie shoves another full sandwich in her mouth after responding.

"What happened to Delta Squad?" I raise my eyebrow inquisitively now gaining interest.

"I dunno," Ellie shrugs, "Who cares anyway? What matters is there's an opening and we're going to take it."

"We?" I ask looking up from my food.

"Oh come on dude, you have to join. Even Gemma is joining...even if it is to be a medic."

"Hey!" Gemma interjects.

"Eh, I don't know." I shrug. My arms cross as I lean them on the table.

     A smirk slyly makes its way onto Ellie's lips as she looks at me.

"Borg's joining...By the looks of the other mutants signing up he's not going to have much competition."

"Boar-man? You can't let him beat everyone, not after he beat us in front of everyone."  The voice abruptly interjects.

My eyes immediately dart up, meeting Ellie's confident gaze.

"I'm in," I state without a moment's thought.

Ellie's eyebrows raise in surprise, "Just like that, huh?"

"Just like that."


      Various different mutants fill the room, I count there to be about twenty or so. They all stand around anxiously, all waiting for the same thing, for the Combat Unit training to begin. Their quiet murmurs echo throughout the massive training room.

"Uh, how long is this going to take?" Daesung anxiously asks no one in particular.

     I see him as he twiddles with his thumbs nervously.

"What are ya fretting for? You're not going to die or something. Seriously just chill man." Ellie's says in a laid back and confident manner.

"Easy for you to say, you're half freakin' bear." Daesung snaps back.     

     Ellie does not really have anything to worry about. It would be safe to bet her raw strength surpasses any other mutant in here. Daesung, on the other hand, is not even a mutant, so he has plenty to worry about. I do not even know why he thought joining the Combat Unit was a good idea. Poor guy is probably going to get his butt kicked, but I get it. Even if I did not have any abilities I would still be doing exactly the same thing.

     Ellie raises her hands up in surrender, "Yeah, okay, point taken. No need to get your pants in a bunch."

     Gemma lets out an ungraceful snort at Ellie comment. Daesung sends Gemma a glare before focusing his attention back on the floor, his jittery demeanour returning. 

     An awkward silence falls over our small crowd once again. Personally I am just enjoying the fact that Charthrax has not boomed inside my head for a full twenty minutes.

"I can hear you, you know that right?" the voice questions.

     Choosing to ignore Charthrax I glance over the sea of mutants examining each one carefully. I need to try to figure out what exactly I am up against. My eyes land on a huge pair of bat-like wings. Their owner sends an icy stare my way. His head twitches violently to the side. The corner of his mouth slowly curls into a smirk. I tear my gaze off the strange mutant. What a creepy looking guy, not that I am one to be talking.

     My head turns to the side abruptly, I feel as though someone is watching me. Borg stands confidently with his arms crossed from across the room. My heartbeat quickens in anticipation.  His challenging gaze stays focused on mine even as the dim orange lights flicker every few moments. It takes everything in me to keep a stern expression. Borg smiles tauntingly, almost as if he can smell my fear. I clench my jaw thinking back to how our last encounter ended.

     Silent footsteps approach me from behind. Just before I have time to react there is a sudden jerk on either side of my trousers.

     I look down at my combat trousers around my ankles. Immediately turning around I see none other than...George standing there with a guilty red face and a nervous chuckle.

"Did you just-" my voice cuts off as I try to contemplate what has just happened.

"Yeah, he did." Ellie bursts out into laughter and roars of laughter from just about everyone else follow.

     My jaw falls open in disbelief. I would expect this from Daesung or Ellie, but...but George? he is too much of a wuss for this.

"Well, he did it didn't he? You'd better make him pay," Charthrax demands.

     Not arguing with Charthrax's demand my hand jolts out and grabs George's collar. Pulling him towards me I ready my other fist to pummel into his face.

"What the hell is going on here?!" the angry voice of Harvey stops my fist mere inches from George's annoying face.

"N-n-nothing." George smiles at Harvey sheepishly.

     I instantly let go of my grip of Geroge, allowing him to crumble to the ground. My face flushes red as I look over to see Harvey, Rilo, and Ashley all standing beside each other with mixed expressions. Harvey has his usual scowl, but worse, so much worse. While Ashley stands there wide-eyed and confused Rilo merely sighs in disappointment.

     Realizing my trousers are still lying around my ankles squat down, pulling them up as quickly as possible.

"These...these idiots are supposed to replace Delta Squad?! This is a complete disgrace!" Harvey, or the moustache man as everyone calls him, booms in anger.

A/N: Thank you for reading everyone! Hope you enjoyed it.


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