Chapter 2

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"ANNA! HEY!" Finn yelled across the hall.

"OH GOD!!! Look down Anna! Keep walking! Ignore ignore ignore!!!!!" I began to panic to myself.

"YO ANNA WAIT UP!!" Finn tried to catch up.

"ANNA!!!" Finn's friend yelled constantly. John didn't bother to run after me.

I began to speed walk. Phantom high was a small school with a few places for a girl, who is trying to run away from the attention of people, to hide. YES!!! GIRLS BATHROOM YOU ARE MY SAVIOR!!!

I stayed in the bathroom trying to catch my breath. What did they want from me? Did Eric tell everyone? How many people knew?

Finn and John were never really close friends of mine in the beginning. They were always the top of the kingdom. This may sound a bit weird but it's true.
Together we are one kingdom. Yes we have different sides and different groups inside the kingdom but at the end we're stuck together. Hahaha it's kinda funny when you look at it.

Like a kingdom we have different roles. We have royalty, Knights, and villagers. And I guess when I look at Finn, John and Eric they were Royalty. The Royalty were always surrounded by people. They all had different personalities which attracts people. The men were all kind and attractive in some way. Because Phantom High was the best school in the district, each student was academically talented. There were a lot of Royals in our school. I tried as much as possible to not involve myself with them because royalty came with a price. In their world secrets were always shared, drama became indestructible energy, and love and allies were always nothing but traps.

I didn't really know much about the Royals. Again, I try to not get involved with them. I chose not to listen to the millions of rumors flying around. Therefore I never really hated or judged anyone based on other people's opinions. So a girl who's called the devil, I will always see as human. So because I never really knew any one of them, it made me wonder. What could they possibly want from me?

I went to class as normal. History was always my favorite class. Eric sat directly next to me, and Charlie was just a quick glance away to my right. Oh and the teacher who taught the class would always steer away from the lesson. Mr. Bay would always talk about his personal life. We didn't really learn much. All this free time gave me the opportunity to sketch in my History binder.

So as normal I began to draw in my binder. I was perfecting the little picture of a girl on the side of my paper. Suddenly I felt a cold tap on my shoulder. I jumped in shock and accidentally drew a thick line across my drawing. Fudge!

"Hey Anna" someone whispered behind me.

I didn't pay attention to them because I was to busy saving all I can from the portrait.

"Anna" the voice called again.

I was so frustrated at whoever this person was for ruining my hard work. I turned from my chair only to be greeted by a warm smile.

"Yeah?" I said silently to Finn

I never noticed him there. Oh no....

Why is he smiling so much? What's wrong with him? He's interesting...

"Do you like Eric?" Finn came closer.

Eric heard Finn's question. He stopped his sketch and began to stare at me smiling.

Finn winked at me. He was hinting at Eric and I.

"Jerk!" I said in my head.

I pretended not to hear the question and just attended to my ruined portrait. All throughout the period Finn continued to annoy me with the question. I myself continued to ignore him.

Next period

What a coincidence. This period was study hall. We were all supposed to be silent but students preferred whispering. I myself continued to study. I walked into the large room filled with long tables. Charlie waved to me from a reserved table. As I walked closer I noticed more people at our table. Sitting near Charlie were other girls That were close to her. I sat down and pulled out a textbook and my notes. A few seconds later a few other boys filled the seats next to me. The boys began to chatter and I could only cover their voices with music.

A few minutes later someone softly poked me on my arm. Because I was totally in my mojo I was startled. I took of the earphones in my ears to look around. OH GOODNESS SHUCKS! Next to me sat John, Finn, and Eric.

"It was probably Finn." I thought to myself.

But then Eric turned around and began to smile. He poked me on the hand.
I tried to get even but he dodged it. This then led to a full out game of tag. By the end of the period I was smiling so much. It took me a time to realize but... I completely forgot about my priorities.

I never met someone that made me as happy as Eric...

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