Chapter 7

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A whole month passed, nothing but mixed signals from Eric. Maybe it was the misread smiles and stares. It frustrated me. "How do you expect me to move on if I don't even know if I have a chance or not?". "Stop playing hard to get! What's wrong with you!". Thoughts ran through my head. I couldn't focus on anything the math teacher, Ms. Lov, was saying. I knew he was looking at me. "What in the world are you thinking Eric?".

Before I knew it class was over. I rushed to gather my things when suddenly a familiar voice called out to me. "Mrs.Spongebob!" Eric's voice called. I was shocked he remembered. He held the door open and I quickly walked through. I didn't want to look at him. I kept my head down as I ran. "Anna wait!" I heard him shout from the distance.

I went straight to the next period class which was lunch. I sat next to Charlie like I do everyday. She gave me one of her earbuds and she continued to play the Fall Out Boy album.

"Eric talked to me today..."

"You're overthinking it Anna."

"But what if..."

"Move on..."


"It's for your own good."

If only it was that easy Charlie.

Everyone was leaving. Everyone was either at their lockers or talking to other people. I was those few people who were rushing to get out. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I dropped a few books but managed to regain myself. "Charlie! Don't do that to me! You know I'm in a rush!" I yelled as I picked up the last of my books and closed my locker. I turned around expecting Charlie but instead a boy, who was slightly taller than me, took her place. He wore the uniform with some black converse and he greeted me with a familiar smile. "Eric! I'm so sorry! I thought you were Charlie!" I said laughing, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"It's okay. Mr.Estire just wanted me to tell you that there are art classes available. I thought you'd like to know." He replied

"Oh okay but..." I tried to say but he left before hearing anything else.

To tell you the truth...I didn't really know anymore. I started to think that Eric and I were just meant to be friends. There was nothing between us now and there never was going to be. I lost hope. By the time art classes began, most of my feelings for him left me. So I didn't really know what to think of what happened next.

Eric was painting next to me. We hardly paid any attention to each other. The day was coming to an end and most of the students left early; including Eric. He left with his friends a few minutes before.

"Anna please take these and wash them in the bathroom." The art teacher asked.

It was the weekends and I was in no rush to go home so I gladly accepted without complaint. I walked into the large bathroom with the jar of paint brushes in my hands. As I walked pass all the stalls in the bathroom to the very end where the sink was, I realized that the bathroom was completely empty. I didn't really mind. I turned the faucet to let the hot water run. I took the brushes and carefully massaged each one. I was being careful not to ruin any of the expensive brushes. I was half way through when the door to the girls bathroom opened. I couldn't really see who it was but on the other hand, I didn't really mind. Suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist.
I tried to fight him but the figure pushed me against the wall. "Calm down Anna" I recognized his voice. Eric held me against the wall as he leaned in to connect his lips with mine. "Stop! Please!" I begged him. Other than art, Eric loved sports so he was stronger than me. I couldn't move. I was crying for him to stop but he didn't seem to listen. I kicked him in his crotch area. He weakened just enough for me to run out of the bathroom."ANNA!" He yelled for me.

It's funny how the school didn't have surveillance footage of any part of the incident. Apparently that camera broke a few days before. They were still waiting for the new repairs to come in.

I stood in front of the front door of the cehouse I lived in. I tried to wipe what was left of my tears. I took a deep breath and turned the key.

"I'm home!" I said smiling.

"Oh good! Theres some food on the table if you're hungry." Aloise yelled from her room.

"I'm not hungry..." I said as I ran straight to my room.

I walked in to my room. I locked the door behind me and walked to the furthest corner in my room which to my convenience was my bed. I sat in the corner thinking of all that happened. I had finally learned to move on and now...this. It was like he was playing a game with me. Like I was on some leash. The second I thought I was free, he'd pull the leash. I didn't know what to think anymore. I touched my lips and a tear rolled down my cheek. " first kiss..."

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