Chapter 5

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As a child I fell in love with fairytales. People were always given a happy ending. There was always so much hope and love. But as you grow up you realize that sometimes you dream more than you need to. You have hope in something that's not even there. The reality of the whole world that was taken a way in those fairy tales. You set yourself up only to find that it was never there in the first place. Now that I look back at the moment I could only ask myself one question...How could I be so blind?

All I knew was that after that day... it all began to fall apart. We became distant. It was like we never even met. I guess that's okay. It's okay to forget.

But how can you forget? Am I nothing?

I thought of these things as I ate lunch.

"I think you're over thinking it..." Charlie said as she sat next to me.

I stopped looking at Eric and instead I stared at my food.

"He's just one boy." Charlie said

I closed my eyes as if I were hurt by what Charlie just said. I didn't know how to explain to her. He's not just a boy. He made me feel like I was actually important. He made me feel like I wasn't a nobody. He made me feel like I was...for once in my life...something.

"There are many more fishes in the sea..." Charlie tried to remind me.

She poked the sides of my cheeks. Charlie wanted me to smile again but I didn't feel like it. Suddenly I didn't feel like anything.

After I told Eric my feelings, hoping he'd feel the same way, he began to ignore my presence. I would try to ask him what was wrong but I would feel like he didn't want me even near him. Suddenly the cute smile he wore faded when I spoke. That truly pained me.

"That's the problem Charlie...I cared too much..."

I stood from my seat and I walked to the garbage can near Eric's table. I felt his eyes on me. He watched me walk past him. He didn't know how much pain he caused me, and he never will. As for Charlie, I left her to think. I needed some time alone. I walked out of the cafeteria and into the empty hallway.

I never saw the hallways so empty before. I mean it was a fairly small school but I never realized how lonely the world was. I walked through the small path that connected the two parts of the school. Light usually peaked through the windows on the left and right, but today it was raining. I looked through the window on my left. I stared at the water slowly making its way to the bottom of the glass. I never felt so...drowned. A tear made its way down my cheek.

"Hey Anna!" a voice called me out of my train of thoughts.

I quickly wiped my tear and gathered all the sadness I felt before anyone else saw.

"Anna what in the world are you doing here?" The voice called again.

Finn was standing on the other end of the hallway. He wore that warm smile he always wore and he was eating a bag of Doritos.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" He said as he walked closer

"Huh?..." I looked down

"They're strong. They're not afraid of falling." Finn was looking at the rain now.

"I never thought of that." I slightly smiled while I stared at the rain.

"Doritos?" He asked an unrelated question.

"No, thank you." I denied his offer for food.

"Well then come with me to the cafeteria." he said

"I prefer to stay here... thank you."

"Oh, well I'll see you around Anna." He waved goodbye as he turned the corner.

To tell you the truth I didn't know what to think of him at that time. All I thought about was Eric.

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