Act 2 - Chapter 12

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Outer space was cold and unforgiving. It was true what they said about how in space, no one could hear you scream.

No one would scream. Or shed a tear. Or even notice that in the vast expansive vacuum that is space – or non-space, actually – a young girl floated lifelessly all by herself.

Her unraveled blonde hair covered her face. Her sailor uniform, reduced to the ribbons of a failed transformation.

Helga had defeated the source, and had defeated the evil within Liam, but by using the Crystal in the process she had also extinguished her very existence, as well as the existence of Hillwood. Her friends were gone, as was the only person that she ever truly loved.

Indeed, it was a bittersweet victory.

The crystal lay dormant on Helga's chest as she floated precariously to no certain destination.

And then, a miracle.


A pink glow emanated from the crystal.

Just then a cat-shaped orb came hurtling towards Helga.

"I found her, Small Lady."


"This is it," thought Helga. "I must be dead. This must be heaven."

Helga was back in her civilian pink dress and jeans, surrounded from all corners by clouds. In front of her stood a gate, which, admittedly, was less pearly-white than she had anticipated. If this was heaven, where was St. Peter and the angels?

"Maybe it's their day off," Helga thought wryly.

"Your Highness?" Behind Helga stood a tall woman in a sailor senshi uniform. Her hair was long and green and her sailor uniform was a combination of the colors green, purple, and black.

"Whoa..." Helga said under her breath. "They were way off..."

The tall scout bowed. "I am Sailor Pluto, the Guardian of Time and Gatekeeper of the Underworld. You may not recognize me, but I am the one whose Crystal Time Key you destroyed while helping a colleague."

Helga laughed nervously. "Oops. Guess I lose points for that, huh? Well, at least she got home safely, right?"

"No, I'm afraid not," said Sailor Pluto. Just then Helga detected a black tailing moving behind Pluto's legs.

"Reckless as always, eh, Helga?" said the familiar feline, finally coming into view.

Helga couldn't believe her eyes. "Luna! What are you doing here?"

Without thinking, Helga scooped the black cat up into her arms and spun her around jubilantly. She then stopped abruptly, dropping Luna as a horrified look planted on her face. "Oh no...if you're here with me, then that must're dead, too."

Luna blinked. "I'm not dead, Helga. And neither are you."

"Huh?" Helga was confused. "You mean...this isn't heaven?"

Luna laughed. "Of course not!"

"This area is a gateway in the space-time continuum," explained Pluto. "From this place you can access any point in time, past present or future."

"After you had sent me on my way," said Luna. "My journey was unexpectedly interrupted by Sailor Pluto and I was brought here. She had explained that I was wrong in my assumption it was merely an over-abundance of negative energy that prevented me from returning home, and that the problem was much more serious. I had attempted to return back to your time period to warn you that there was still much more work to be done....but was unaware you had destroyed the Time Key in your efforts to send me back."

Sailor Helga 🌙 | A Hey Arnold! / Sailormoon Crossover FanficWhere stories live. Discover now