|| Happy morning

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*Always wait for that someone who will say and mean; you are not an option, you are my priority*

Unknown's POV~

Ayat woke up with the chirping voice of birds and a shining sun on sky. She lazily stretched her body. Yesterday's rain added a pleasant surprise in weather. She opened her eyes and found herself in new bed and room.

Then flash back of the last night ran infront of her eyes "ohhh my God what have I done" she groaned and noticed she is naked beneath the sheets. She tried to hear noices but nothing comes in.

"Did he left me in unknown place after sleeping with me? No no no he can't do that to me. But he told he liked someone named Petal"

Ayat thought to herself completely unaware of the fact that name actually belongs to her.

She made her way to wardrobe for some clothes and found a plain white shirt, she took it out from hanger and went to washroom. After taking a bath she was feeling refreshing although some part of her body still felt sore. She knew she is no more virgin now. She made her way down the stairs and found Ryan in kitchen making breakfast.

"So you can cook?" Ayat's voice startled Ryan. He put his hand on his chest above his fast beating heart.

"You scared me. Can't you tell before coming down?" Ayat rolled her eyes on his dramatic action.

"Do I look like a movie to you? First trailer will come and then full movie?"

Ryan didn't wanted his happy mood to be spoilt with her childish argument, so he ignored her morning sassy comments.

"Sit, have breakfast first"

Ayat sit obediently and Ryan put a plate of food and a coffee mug infront of her. Her tummy grumbled and Ryan let out a chuckle.

"I guess some one is hungry"

"I guess someone worn me out completely last night"

"I didn't hear you complaining though"

Listening Ryan's reply Ayat cheeks turned red shade of tomato and she blushed. Seeing this Ryan felt happy and satisfied.

"What are we doing Ryan?" She asked in serious tone.

"Right now we are having breakfast"

"Smartass... I meant about last night"

"Didn't you enjoy it?"

"Yeah I did untill you called out someone else name" Ayat glared at him.

"When did I call out someone else name? I was perfectly in my sences and aware that it was you" Ryan looked at her in disbelief.

Did I fuck her that hard, she now is delusional?

"Then who is the Petal... You whispered in my ear that you like her during our... Ammm I mean... you know"

Ayat hesitated to utter the word sex specially when she knew he was taking her as someone else.

Hearing Ayat, Ryan burst out laughing, he laughed so hard he needed a good few minutes to come back in his normal breathing. This girl is surely dumb when it comes to love. He slowly leaned towards her.

"It's you my dear petal, it's your nick name for me because I like your long slender legs and you are very soft like petals and"

Atay put her hand on his mouth to stop him midway. This sudden action creates stretching of her shirt and her nipples poked out from the thin layer of shirt.

Like on autopilot mode, Ryan's gaze drifted down towards her breasts.

"Eyes on my face please" she requested firmly.

"It's hard not to look"

Ryan shifted his eyes to her face again with a devilish smirk on his face.

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Srish 💕

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