|| Undeniable attraction

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*You can't change how people think about you, so don't change*

One morning when Ayat woke up she found Ryan wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Ryan... Ryan... Where are you?" She got panic and started to call him.

"Here sweetheart at the balcony" his voice came from the main balcony of living room.

She went to see and there he was setting their breakfast at table.

"I thought you would like some changes" he sat at  table beautifully decorated with vibrant flowers.

Ayat sat on the chair which he pulled out for her.

"I would love to"

They had their breakfast then Ayat asked.

"So what's plan for today?"

"I think we should go for surfing, last time you enjoyed it in their" Ryan answered instantly.

"Did we go for a vacation before?" Hearing her question he realised about her amnesia.

"Yes, Petal and that was the best trip of my life. You agreed to date me officially there" Ryan softly told her.

"Agreed like an arrangement, contract? Didn't you propose me?" Ayat asked .

"Ohh no I mean... yeah I first offered you a post but later we fell in love and then you confessed your feelings to me" Ryan was ashamed of him how everytime he messed up but remembering their cat and dog fight he smiled.

"I confessed what about you then?" Ayat asked getting irritated by his replies. He didn't propose her and why the hell did she confess her feelings to him then?

"I did, actually we used to fight alot. I got jealous of Carter and your friendship but then we patch up and I also said love you" Ryan cleared the past history.

"It does not sound like a romantic proposal" she raised her voice with eyebrows.

"I was going to do that, I took you out on a date but there again we had a fight" he sighed disappointed to himself. He really didn't give any good memory to her to remember.

"I can't believe it. You never proposed to me, you never took me on a date and you call yourself a boyfriend" she stood up and walked inside.

"I said I loved you and I planned a date. I know I messed up every time but this time I intended to make everything right"

Ayat doesn't listen to him and went back to room leaving him out on hall.

"Petal listen to me. Common give me a chance"

He shouted behind her but she didn't listen anything. Ryan ran his hand through his hair in frustration and murmured to himself.

"Even the loss of memory is not able to reduce her temper"

Ryan went to his friend's room and knocked loudly.

"What the hell Ryan? What's so hurry dude??" Nate opened the door in shirtless state. His hairs were mess and a lipstick stain on his neck.

Ryan doesn't take time to realise why his friends is irritated by his sudden interruption. Clearly someone is getting laid here.

Alina comes behind him. Thank god she was in better state.

"What happened? Is everything ok with Ayat?"

And that's only take Ryan to explode.

"That's the problem. Nothing is fine, nothing is normal with her. She was questioning me about past and I couldn't make myself to tell her any false lovie dovie romantic story. So I told her the truth that what a jerk I was and she got anger upon me."

"What you told her about James? Are you crazy? You doctor strictly said that no stress for her and you..." Alina yelled at him but Ryan cut her in mid of sentence.

"Of course not. I didn't tell her about James or our ugly fight. I can't loose her again. I just told her about our ego fight"

"Ohh thank god. That means everything is fine" Nate and Alina sighed in relief.

"You called it fine. We are here for a whole week now and still she isn't remember anything. And the sexual tension between us is straining. I don't know for how long I would be able to resist myself" he sighed defeated

"Then don't" This came from Alina and Nate and Ryan both looked at her in surprise.

"What are you saying babe?" Nate asked

"She loves you Ryan unconditionally. Her amnesia doesn't change anything because love comes from heart not brain. Otherwise she would not have been attracted to you"

"No I can't do that Alina. I need her to forgive me first"

"Then wait for her to come around dude. You have been waiting for this long what will change in one month. Have patience" Nate gave a light squeeze on his shoulder.

"I think you are right."

"Then let's go to the beach" Alina said excitedly.

"Ok I'll get Ayat ready. Meet you guys at beach"

Ayat came back to hall wearing a blood red multi string bikini. The bikini has a top with multiple straps that end up like a halter at the nape of the neck and styled in a modern way. Rather than simple two straps at the shoulder, this one has innovative strap styles at the shoulders. Her each every molds came out like a perfect miniature of artist.

Ryan's mouth dropped opened with dumbfounded expression. He just couldn't took his eyes away from her.

"You will catch flies Ryan, close your mouth" Ayat said bemused by his expression. Now he was regretting his plan for the day.

"You know we don't have to really go for surfing"

"Why it's a perfect sunny day and everyone is enjoying"

"Yeah but I just realised you are too weak to go on surfing. You may get exhausted by the end"

"I am perfectly fine Ryan let's go.. please" Ayat tag him along with her.

"Babe the sea water and sun... You will get burn. It will be better if you wear something to cover up your body"

Ryan still tried to convince her but Ayat was loving his possessive side.

"Why am I not looking good in this?" Ayat pouted her lips.

"You are looking too good for my convenience" he slowly murmured under his breath.

"What are you saying? Say loudly" Ayat ran towards the sea.

"Nothing let's go just don't leave my side ok" he hold her hands and went to surfing with Nate and Alina.

They enjoyed the waves of sea together. Ayat was new to this so Ryan taught her how to balance herself.
She was enjoying, laughing like crazy.

"Let's go back. I am hungry" Ryan told her and lead her to back to shore. They have planned a little picnic for them.

He and Nate lighten up the grill and start preparing the food. Ayat was staring him with aww as he grilled salmon, steak and some shrimp.

"What are you staring?" Alina asked.

"Just thinking if they are going to do everything, what we are going to do for whole day here?"

"You are going to take rest sweetheart. It's your vacation" Alina said and then Ryan put the food in table and took the seat beside Ayat. Nate sat beside Alina.

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Srish 💕

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