|| Welcome Party

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*It's ok to wait for the love you deserve, don't compromise and settle down for less*

Ryan and Ayat made their way upto a ball room of yatch. Ayat was astonished by seeing a large welcome back sigh on middle of stage with decorated with flowers and balloons.
The room was filled with guest some were her old colleagues from school, some were new from office, Ryan's family, Carter, Nate, Alina, Edward and of course her family.

Her eyes got watery seeing her grandmother infront of her. She ran to her and hugged her tightly. Everyone then greets her and wished her for her good health. Even her mom was also happy and stood with her father.

Her father... She saw him after so many years. He looked same as she remembered in her memories, in her dream but a bit older. Few silver strands from his hair were shining in bright light. But he was still handsome.

She lost her hope to see him again in this life but now when he was infront of her, she didn't know what to do. Should I go and hug him? Or should I formally introduce myself? Seeing her hesitation her father and mother made their way to her.

"Welcome back Princess" her father wished her hesitantly. Her mother understood the awkwardness between father and daughter so she moved forward and hugged Ayat in tight embrace.

"Welcome back Sweetie. I am so happy you got your memory back" she kissed her in cheek.

Then she nudged her towards her father "Go greet him" Ayat slowly stepped forward.

"Hello..." After like few minutes of silence she added "Dad"

Hearing her called him dad after so many years Mr. Green could not stopped his tears. He reluctantly hugged her.

"I am so sorry baby. You have to go through so much hurdles in life. And I am very very sorry I was not there to hold your hand but now I promise I will not leave your side ever, I love you sweetheart"

The father and daughter were having blissful moment after so many years. Everyone around them now was in tears. Mr. Green told her everything that why he wasn't able to came back to her? Why wasn't he in touch with her?

Someone cleared his throat and both father and daughter broke the hug.

"As much as I like you both of you to reconcile, I have an objection here" Ryan stated in mike.

Ayat, Mr. Green and others got confused hearing the word objection. He was the one who solved the differences between them now he was claiming his objection.

"Ayat please come upon here"

He called him on stage and her father let her go to him because he trusted her daughter and her happiness with this man.

Ryan put his hands around her waist and pulled her into his side.

"So ladies and gentlemen I have a very important news to share with all.
As you all know we have gathered here to celebrate a welcome party of my girlfriend. She got her memory back and now she is completely recovered from her accident" Ayat smiled slowly upon calling her his girlfriend.

"But there is one more important thing happened today which made it double special.
So firstly I need to admit something infront of you all. I was a complete jerk in the past." Everyone laughed.

"And I have alot to make up to my girl. So I thought why not start with making her mine for forever.
So I proposed and by the god grace she said yes"

There was loud sound of applauds and cheering and congratulations from crowd. Some like Alina, Mrs. Grey, Yuna who knew the hardship of their relationship were crying. And their respective partners were consoling them. Nate hugged Alina to his side.

"Thank you everyone. So I was saying Mr. Geen, I mean Winston you can't be with her anymore" That words of him left everyone stunned for few minutes.

Ayat looked at him with confusion, he was the man who wanted her to forgive her dad now what happened to him?

"Because tomorrow we are getting married and after this I have no intention to let my wife live with her parents.
Sorry I don't think I would be able to take her out of my sight for a single day. You can come for visit though."

After he finished he winked at Ayat who blushed and quickly hid her face in his had muscular chest.

Ryan laughed and wrapped his hands around her giving a kiss on her head.
Everyone cheered more and family made there way to stage to congratulate new couple.

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Srish 💕

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