|| Birthday party

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* Let your past make you better not bitter*

Today is Violet's birthday. The Grey House invited almost all the important dignitaries of city.
Whole house was decorated with white Lilies and purple orchids. The decoration was flawless.

Nate and Alina entered with gifts and Violet ran towards them. Due to Ayat Violet came close to Alina and when now she was not here, Alina tried to give all the love on her behalf to Violet.

"Nate Alina"

Violet exclaimed happily
Alina bent down and embraced her into a warm hug.

"Happy Birthday Princess"

Nate also came down to his knees and kissed her cheeks.

"Happy Birthday Sweetheart"

"Where is Ayat?" Violet still asked about her. She never stopped calling her.

"Baby she is... Busy. She will come soon to meet you" Alina tried to convince her, Nate hold her waist in support.

"But she didn't even call me to wish" Violet complaint.

"She doesn't have network there dear, she will call you as soon as possible"

"Ok... I'll wait for her"

Hearing her words Alina's eyes welled up with tears. She also missed her friend.

Mrs. Grey came from behind.

"Violet you are engaging them with your questions again... Let them come inside dear"

"Ohh yes... Let's go it's now cake cutting time" and she ran from there to join her friends.

"Where is Ryan aunty?" Nate asked to Mrs Grey.

"He is still in his room. After that incident he almost never come down. I was going to call him"

"It's ok we will go and call him"

Nate and Alina made their way through crowd and went upstairs. They knocked his door and waited for his response.

"Come in"

Ryan's stern but almost dull voice came from inside. They entered in room and found him in his study table reading some documents.

"Why are you still not ready?" Nate asked his friend seeing him still in casual wear.

"Ohh... You guys are here. I was just busy, and anyway I don't have any interest to join the event" Ryan answered firmly.

Alina sighed "Ryan this is not the way to deal with any situation. You need to move on and most importantly you need to move on for your family"

"I can't Alina. You don't understand the guilt it's killing me" he replied in a low voice.

Nate went near to his friend and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Honestly we don't know how you are feeling and we can't even imagine but we are here always for you... Remember that ok"

Ryan nodded in answer.

"Now get ready it's your princess birthday. Ayat wouldn't like this if she would be here now"

Mention of Ayat forced Ryan to move and he went to get ready.

When the door of closet opened

"Now you are looking more civil" Nate tried to lighten the atmosphere.

Soon the celebration started with cake cutting and everyone got busy with program and kids games.

After dinner guests started to move out slowly and when the hall was almost empty, whole family members including Nate and Alina also took their seats in living room.

But Ryan made his way back to his room. He has already tolerated enough of loud music and questions of guest only for his princess but now he was not anymore in the mood of this.

After hearing the news of Ayat's death he became like a stone. No emotion, no feelings, no excitement nothing. The only thing he knew was work.

Everyone was worried about him but nothing they could do because they knew how much he loved her. And it's only been one week, so they thought time would heal his wound slowly.

When Ryan was walking towards his room he heard a voice more like whisper, like someone is talking secretly in phone. He followed to the corner and found James in balcony.

"No, I can't rush like this. Already the old man is suspicious on me for Ayat's death. He is right though..... ha ha ha.... It take so much time to work out my plan but finally it did"

Ryan clenched his fist in anger so it wasn't as accident, he murdered my girl.

He grabbed his collar from behind and turned him only to gave him punch on his face.

He dragged him down into living room, punching him through out the time.

James nose and mouth was bleeding heavily. Yuna and Mrs. Green rushed to him and helped him to stood up.
But Mr. Green, Mr. Grey, Nate and Zyan stood still to their places.

"What the hell Ryan, why did you do that?" Yuna yelled at him.

"Ask him what did he do to deserve this beating?" Ryan replied in equally loud voice.

"I... didn't... I didn't do anything wrong" James stuttered in between his lines.

"Don't you dare to lie" Ryan warned him pointing his finger at him.

"This is time to be honest Jame" Mr. Green spoke in a stern voice.

"What do you mean Winston? How can you talk like this to our son? Can't you see he is hurt?" Mrs. Green said to her husband showing a bit anger but she knows better to yell at his husband.

"James speak.... Otherwise don't expect any help from me if you found yourself in trouble after this"

Jame understood the threatening in his father's voice so he knew it's time to reveal the truth.

"I killed Ayat"

Loud gasp skipped from everyone's mouth but soon the sound replaced with the sound of hard slap which landed on James face.

"Why? Why did you do that?" Mr. Green demanded the answer.

"Because of your will" James yelled at him.

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