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*The right one won't give up on you, no matter what will be the circumstances*

"I can't believe she is the president of this luxurious resort" Alina was looking at sleeping Ayat.

"Now... I really think she is dangerous dude" Nate raised an eyebrow towards Ryan.

"Shut up... She just saved our lives" Alina hit his shoulder playfully.

"Ouch it's still hurt babe" Nate said rubbing his shoulder and looked at her with puppy eyes.

"Aww..." Alina gave him a hug to comfort him or say comfort herself.

Ryan just rolled his eyes at this lovey dovey couple and waited for Ayat to open her eyes impatiently. He was anxious, this lady of his has more layers than Petal, but still he couldn't found himself to resent her in his heart, he was sure there must be some reason, some deep scars of past that despite of owning billions she lives a simple middle class life.

As he remembered about her past he quickly gave a call to his PI, "you are fired" and without explaining further cut the call.

He felt movement of fingers in his hand, he looked to Ayat she was blinking her eyelashes like someone try to come into light after so many dark nights.

Ayat opened her eyes, first thing she saw was Ryan, holding her hand tightly in his. Tear pricked her eyes, she never thought in her life she will be this happy to see someone beside her.

"Thank god you are awake?" Ryan kissed her forehead

"You are not angry with me?" Ayat was worried that he must be angry she hid so many truth about herself from him.

"How can I be? You have been shot. You know what I have been through these 48 hours?"

Ryan asked holding her palm in between his both hand and kissing her knuckle.

"I have been unconscious for 48 hours?" Ayat was shocked she had been asleep for this long.

"Yes and you nearly scared us girl. Thank god that bullet just merely passed through your body. No fetal wound. You will be fine soon." Alina said coming near and standing beside Ryan.

"And when you will be fine, you owe us lots of explanation miss assistant... Oops Miss President" Nate said winking to her.

Everyone laughed at his playful teasing.

"Sure... I guess now it's the time"

Ayat promised them to explain everything. Next day Ayat got discharge from hospital, they were heading towards the resort.

"Let's stay in my penthouse, already this place is mess"

Other three were looking at her in shock when Alina broke the silence.

"You have penthouse here?"

Ayat only gave a small smile and gave address to driver.

"I have penthouse in other places"

The security from that day around Ayat increased, Ryan didn't want any mistake with her.

When they reached to the penthouse it was fully modernized and luxurious. Alina eyes were almost popped out as soon as she entered in house. She was jumping and running like a small puppy in all house. And of course Nate was following her around.

Ryan slowly took Ayat to bedroom and made her settled her in bed. As soon as he came back to living room the door bell rang.

He went to open it and to his surprise A man in his thirty with a handsome face and charming eyes pushed him from his way and went directly towards Ayat's room.

All three of them got panicked annd ran behind him.

"Hey you... What do you think you are doing? This is trespassing...."

Ryan was yelling and following him but as soon as he saw the scene infront of him his words got stuck in his mouth, his heart starts beating fast in his chest.

That man was hugging Ayat tightly in his embrace and patting her head to comfort her.

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Srish 💕

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