Chapter 3

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The whole entire summer Veronica spent in her room. She didn't even leave it for breakfast, lunch or dinner so her mom brought it to her. She was alone ever day, all day. She didn't want to see anyone. She cried every single day. She still couldn't understand how someone can be so heartless and cheat.
Archie came by countless times with flowers and chocolate and everything she likes but Hiram never let him in and after a while he didn't even open the door for him anymore. He tried to call her a million times but she ignored it and when he started to text her she blocked him.
She hates to admit it but she still loves him. She loves him so much even though she doesn't want to. She wants to hate him. She can't trust him anymore or anyone else or herself. He ruined her. He broke her.

Right now she's lying on her bed, starring at the ceiling. Her hands are on her stomach. She looks up when she sees the door to her room open.

"Jug?" she asks "what are you doing here?"

"Well since you don't want to see Betty or Archie or anyone I thought I could come and check up on you"

She giggles and sits up in her bed. "That's sweet"

He sits down next to her and hands her a cup of tea. "Your mom said you have a stomach bug?"

"That's what she thinks. I honestly think it's something else. All the stress and the sadness and-"

"So Archie?" Jughead chuckles.

"Yeah. How are you and Betty?"

"We're good to be honest. I forgave her. I can't really trust her yet but I love her"

Veronica sight "what about Archie?"

"I'm not mad at him anymore but I don't want to see him yet"

"Great, now I'm the stupid one who doesn't forgive"

"No V, I totally understand. Archie didn't want to tell you so it's okay when you need time but he loves you. He's such a mess without you. I saw him once and he did not look good at all"

"I'm sorry Jug but I really don't care"

Out of the blue Veronica jumps up and runs into her bathroom, Jughead follows. He holds her hair back while she throws up. He thinks he knows what's wrong but he's kind of scared to tell her.

"V, can I ask you something" Jughead asks while he hands her a wet cloth"


"How long has this been going on?" he asks and points between her and the toilet.

"Four weeks maybe"

"Okay, I know you're going to hit me but have you ever considered that you might be pregnant?"

"Oh god" she mumbles and leans her head in her hands. "It did cross my mind but I didn't want it to be true. I can't be Jug, I can't. I don't want to carry his child"

"Listen V, I'll go get a test right now. You lie down in your bed and relax"

Veronica nods, a few tears run down her cheeks. Jughead helps her up and walks her to her bed. He kisses her head and wipes her tears away. "Don't cry, it'll be alright"


Veronica has been starring at the positive pregnancy test for about an hour now. She's not showing any emotions, she just stares at it. Jughead sits besides her.

"Now what?" he carefully asks. He takes the test out of her hands and places it on her nightstand.

"I don't know"

"Will you tell Archie?"

"I don't know Jug. I don't even know if I want to keep it. I need time to think. I leave for college in a couple of hours and I don't know what to do"

"I think it's best when you talk to your parents and then see a doctor" he says and wipes some tears off her face.

"I'm scared"

"It'll be okay V. I'll stay here with you so we can tell your parents together"

"Thanks" she mumbles.

Jughead gets up and holds his hand towards Veronica. A confused look spreads on her face. "What?"

"We will tell them now"

"No Jug, no way!"

"Yes way park avenue princess, come on"

Veronica sighs before she gets up slowly. She takes the pregnancy test from her nightstand and then Jughead's hand. Tears form in her eyes. She's scared of her parents reaction.

They walk into the living room where her parents sit. They look up to the two teenagers. "What's wrong mija?" Hiram asks when he sees the tears in his daughter's eyes.

"I- I need to tell you guys something" she sniffs. She turns to Jughead who nods reassuringly before she sits down between her parents.

She takes a deep breath. More tears run down her cheeks. "I- I'm" stutters. She pulls the test out of her pocket and then holds it in her hands "I'm pregnant"

"Veronica" Hermione whispers.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry" Veronica cries. She drops the test into her lap before she covers her face with her hands. She feels a pair of arms wrap around her and then a kiss to her head. "It's okay honey" Hermione whispers. "What ever you want to do, we will support you"

Veronica turns to her dad. Her eyes are red and puffy. A little smile spreads on his face before he opens his arms for her. She falls into his chest.

"You know that I will definitely kill him now right" he whispers while he slowly scratches her back.
Veronica laughs and nods into his chest.

"Do you want to keep it?"

"I don't know" she whispers.

"It's okay we will figure it out" Hiram promises and kisses Veronica's head before he turns to Jughead. "Thank you" he mouths. Jughead nods before he walks towards the door.
"Wait!" Veronica says. "Can you ask Betty to come over please? I want to talk to her"

"Sure" Jughead smiles and leaves.

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