Chapter 9

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Veronica sits on the floor in her parents' apartment in the Pembrooke, Valerie across from her while they play with some of her toys. It's Valerie's first birthday and Veronica decided to come to Riverdale to celebrate with her friends and family.
They are wearing matching campaign pink dresses with a white bow around their waists. While Veronica's hair lies over her shoulders, Valerie's is tied into two little pigtails

She can't believe how fast time passed. It seems like yesterday when she held her tiny little baby in her arms. Now her raven fuzz turned into little curls which almost reach her shoulders. Her tiny hands turned into little hands and her feet suddenly figured out how to walk. Well 'walk' is probably a little exaggerated but she can take a few steps.

She loves when Valerie starts babbling and even though Hiram doesn't always believe it, Veronica always gets what her daughter wants. She gets most excited when Valerie says 'mama' it was her first word and until now her only real word besides 'bye-bye' and unfortunately also 'no'.

Hermione is walking around the apartment doing some last minute cleaning and decorating. Everything shines in white and rose gold. There are balloons and flowers and banners.

When there's a knock on the door Veronica can't even think about getting up before her mom opens it and welcomes the first guests.
She exhales heavily when she hears Archie's voice.
She sees how her daughter's eyes light up and wide grin spreads on her face. The little grabs her mom's arm and pulls herself up. Veronica eyes widen when she sees how Valerie wobbles all the way over to Archie. He crouches down, opens his arms and patiently waits for his daughter to reach him.
He tosses her body into the air before he squeezes her close to him.

"Hi my sweet little princess. Happy birthday" he smiles and places a big kiss to her cheek. Next to Archie stands his mom. She adores the little girl just like everyone else.

"You look beautiful princess just like your mommy"

Veronica rolls her eyes and now gets up too. She walks over to Mary and gives her hug before she turns to Archie. She crosses her arms and looks up to him but not into his eyes. "Hi Ronnie"


"You look beauti-"

"Don't" she interrupts "today is about our daughter and nothing else"

He nods but still hands her a single rose which he bought for her. She rolls her eyes again and takes it.

"Mama" Valerie squeals pointing at the rose.

"Yes sweetie, mommy got a rose. Do you want to have it?"


"She can tell it was meant for you" Archie chuckles before he starts to lightly bounce his daughter up and down in his arms.

"Whatever" Veronica says and turns around. She walks towards the toys in the living room and picks them up.

"Your mommy got an attitude" he whispers to his daughter. The little girl giggles and starts to play with his hair.
He walks over to Veronica, wanting to help her clean but she stops him.

"I don't need your help"

"I know you don't need it but I still wanna help"

"Archie don't!" Veronica says louder than she intended to. Valerie flinches. Her hands grab the collar of Archie's dress shirt and her eyes go glossy. She looks down to her mom while tears start to run down her cheeks.

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