Chapter 4

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"Betty" Veronica breaths out when she opens the door and sees her friend in front of her.

"V" she sniffs.

Veronica opens her arms and embraces Betty in a hug. She holds her tight while both of them cry. "I'm so so sorry V" Betty cries.

"It's okay. I wanna know everything though. I want you to tell me"

Betty nods. They walk into Veronica's room and sit down on her bed.
Betty looks at her with big, swollen eyes. She looks down to her stomach and then into her face again.

"Jug told you right?" Veronica sighs.


"I don't know what to do B. The father of my child cheated on me. I'm only 18. I don't know if I can do this on my own or if I want to do it on my own. What would you do?" Veronica sniffs.

"I would keep it"


"Mhm. I know you hate Archie but that's not this baby's fault. It's sweet and innocent and made from love, this baby is pure love. It's your decision though. No matter what you decide, I will support you"

"Thanks B" she smiles. Betty wraps her arms around her friend and kisses her head. "I mean it would be pretty cool if you had a mini version of yourself. You could braid her hair or buy cute dresses or play with barbies-"

"Or it's a boy and I have to look into Archie's stupid face every day for the rest of my life"

Betty laughs and starts to run her finger through Veronica's raven hair. "A sweet, innocent, none cheating version of Archie though"

"You're right" Veronica giggles "I don't know if I'm ready to be a mom though"

"You don't need to know yet V"

Veronica sighs and looks to her friend. "I have a sonogram appointment next week. Can you come with me please? I know you would have to come to New York for it but please"

"Of course V" Betty smiles and lightly taps Veronica's stomach "auntie B wants to see the baby"

Veronica lies down on her back with her head in Betty's lap and her hands on her stomach. "I still can't believe that I'm carrying a little human"

"Do you feel anything yet?"

Veronica shakes her head. "Betty can you do me a favor?"


"Can you tell Archie? It's also his baby. I want him to know"

"Of course"

Then there is silence for a moment. Veronica strokes her belly and stares at the ceiling. She sighs heavily. "Why did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Kiss him. Why did you kiss him?"

"I'm so sorry V. I don't even know. I had a huge fight with Jug and Archie told me you guys fought as well and then it just happened. I regretted it immediately. I never wanted to hurt you"

"Why did you meet in the bunker?"

"To talk. I wanted to break it off but he.... I don't know he was so confused and unsure about what he wants. I'm so sorry V. I will never forgive myself"

"It's okay, I forgive you but I hope you know that I will never forget"

Veronica's eyes fill with tears. She grabs a pillow and holds it against her chest. "What did I do wrong? Why doesn't he love me?"

"He does love you V"

"Obviously not enough but whatever I don't want to talk about that anymore"

"Okay" the blonde girl whispers and stares at her friend, who is stroking her stomach again.


Betty's heart beats uncontrollably fast when she stands in front of Archie's door. She's scared of how he will react. She has to tell him that he knocked up the girl he cheated on. Her eyes widen when the door opens.


"Can I come in? I have to talk to you"

"Uhm sure" he says and steps to the side so Betty can walk in. She walks into the living room and waits for Archie.

"What's up?"

"I think you should sit down for this"

Without questioning it, Archie sits down on the couch. He looks up to the blonde girl in front of him.

"Veronica is-"

"Veronica? Is she okay?" he interrupts.

"Well" Betty continues "She's pregnant, with your baby and if you want to see her before she leaves for New York you should get going"

Archie's jaw drops. His eyes are wide. "For real?"

"No Archie, I just randomly come over and tell you that your ex is pregnant when she's not"

Without saying another word, he jumps up, runs out of the door and leaves Betty behind.
He runs fast, faster than he has ever run before. He has to be at the Pembrooke before she's gone.
Sweat drips down his forehead. He runs and runs until he finally reaches her home. He sees a black car in front of it and then her.
His heart still races when he looks at her, when he sees her pretty eyes and her beautiful raven hair.

"Ronnie!" he exclaims and runs to her.

"What do you want?"

"Betty told me" he mumbles. He's completely out of breath. He reaches his arms out to place his hands on her stomach but she pushes him away.

"Don't touch me!"

"I'm sorry Ronnie-"

"Veronica" she corrects.

"You can't leave Veronica. You have a baby in your stomach, my baby. I wanna be there for you every step of the way"

"Oh I'm leaving. I can't wait to get as far away form you as possible. I can handle this on my own. I don't need you"

"Please Ronnie, I love you. Let me be there for you"

She rolls her eyes and gets into the car. Before she shuts the door she looks up to him and says "I'll contact you when it's born"

Archie's eyes fill with tears when he sees the car leave. What he doesn't know is that she's crying too.

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