Chapter 6

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It has been 10 weeks since Veronica saw her child for the first time. She is 5 months pregnant now and there is no way to hide her baby bump anymore, not that she would want to.

Right now she's walking around in her New York apartment. Her favorite room is the nursery even though it's still empty. Veronica wants to know the gender of her baby first but she loves imaging what it could look like.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door. She furrows her eyebrows. There is no one she's expecting. She walks to the front with her hands on her stomach.

"Archie? What are you doing here?" she asks when she sees her ex boyfriend in front of her.

"I wanted to see you and our baby. I don't want to miss your pregnancy. So can I come in?"

Veronica rolls her eyes and takes a step back. "I don't need you"

"But I need you. Can I please stay? Just for an hour. I can help you with all the stuff you can't do right now"


A smiles spreads on his face when he sees her baby bump. "Can I?" he asks and points to her stomach. She rolls her eyes but takes her hands away from her belly so Archie can place his on it.
"Hello little baby. Daddy is here" he grins and rubs his thumbs over Veronica's baby bump. "Daddy loves you sooo much" he chuckles and leans further down to kiss Veronica's stomach but she pushes his head away. "Don't" she hisses and walks to the couch. She sits down while she places her hands back on her stomach. "Since you're here already" Veronica begins. He can hear that she's annoyed "I have a doctor's appointment in an hour to find out the gender. Do you wanna come?"

"Yes please" Archie says and walks over to Veronica.

"Fine but don't talk to me and don't touch me"

Archie nods and sits down in an armchair across from Veronica. He stares at her. How her hands caress her stomach and how she smiles when she feels the baby move. His heart swells at the sight of her and her baby bump but he ruined everything. He ruined his future with her and his chance to have a happy family.

"Do you have plans for the nursery yet?"

"Which part of 'don't talk to me' didn't you understand?"

"Come on"

"Pink walls for a girl, blue for a boy"

Archie laughs "very creative Ronnie"

"First of all, Veronica. Second, you don't need to care. If I want pink walls, the walls will be pink"

"Okay, baby mama"

"Don't call me that!"


Veronica lies down on the examination bed and pulls her shirt up so stomach is completely free. Archie stares at the movement of her belly. He has never felt his child move. Veronica rolls her eyes but grabs Archie's hand and places it on her stomach, with her hand on his. He smiles widely when he feels the little kicks. Even some tears form in his eyes. "This is so cool"

"It is pretty awesome" Veronica smiles.

"Hello Miss Lodge" the doctor says as she walks inside the room. Archie pulls his hand away and leans back in his seat.

"Hello Mrs. Brown"

"I see you brought someone else with you today" Mrs. Brown says and turns to Archie. He gets up and holds his hand out. "I'm Archie Andrews, the father"

"Mhh, so you're the one who cheated"

"Yes Ma'am" Archie sighs. His cheeks blush in embarrassment.

"Not cool" Mrs Brown says and turns back to Veronica. "How are you feeling sweetheart?" she asks and puts some gel on her stomach.

"Good, some morning sickness but it's not that bad anymore"

"That's nice to hear" Mrs Brown smiles "Are you ready to see your baby?"


Archie's hands shake as Mrs. Brown starts. He stares at the screen and tries to see something but all he sees is black and white. "What's that sound?" he asks.

"The heartbeat"

"It's so fast" Archie chuckles.

"Mhm. That's normal though" Mrs Brown laughs. "Do you want to know the gender Miss Lodge?"
She smiles slightly because she already knows Veronica's answer.

"Yes please"

"Okay. You are having a baby girl"

Veronica squeals and smiles widely. She wanted a girl so badly. A little mini version her. She would have loved a boy just as much but having a little girl makes Veronica's childhood dreams come true.
"A girl!"

"Daddy's little princess" Archie's whispers and reaches for Veronica's hand. She doesn't pull it away but she doesn't look at him either.

"She's measuring little" Mrs Brown explains.

"Not really a surprise" Archie chuckles.

Veronica rolls her eyes. It always annoyed her when he was joking about her hight but when they were still dating he always kissed her right after to make up.

"Do you guys want a picture of your daughter?"

"Definitely" Archie grins and squeezes Veronica's hand. In that moment she realizes that she is holding his and lets go of it.

Mrs. Brown turns to the two teenagers and hands them each a picture of their child. "One for mommy and one for daddy"

"Thank you" Veronica smiles.

"Of course sweetheart. I'll see you in a couple of weeks. Take care"


Veronica wraps her arms around herself as she and Archie walk back to her apartment. The cold November wind blows around her head and some snow is falling. "Why did we walk?" she whines.

"You wanted to"

"A rhetorical question Archie"

He looks to her and sees how she's shaking. Her cheeks and nose are red from the cold air.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine"

"You look like you're cold"

"I said I'm fine!"

"Come on Ronnie. You're pregnant. I want you and our little girl to be warm" he says and takes off his jacket. He wraps it around her and keeps walking in his hoodie.

"That's stupid Archie. Now you're cold"

"I'm alright. I want you and the baby to be warm. I'll survive"

"Thanks" she mumbles.

As they reach her apartment she hands him back his jacket.

"Do you need help with anything?" he asks


"Are you sure?"

"I don't need help from you"

"Come on Veronica"

She sighs "Fine. I need someone to help me with the nursery"

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