Chapter - 22

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I'm still struggling with the drama.
But I will try my best, to keep writing.
Please forgive me when it's boring.
Oh and in my head grows a little ghost ship. Maybe you find it. 😂😂


Saint collapse on the floor.

"Saint I need you now. Please call Poppy and make a very strong coffee. I will take a cold shower to get sober. And please call Mews phone. I want to know if he took it with him."

" Okay." Saint is struggling to stand up. But that Gulf and Mew need him gives him strength and he leaves and do all that Gulf asked. When Gulf comes from the shower, Poppy us there and he has Mews phone in his hands.

" Shit, so we have nothing to locate him. "

" I'm sorry Gulf. I made a big mistake. "

" What do you mean Poppy ? " Gulf asks.

" I should have told you last night, but I didn't wanted to overact. I saw Mew putting clothes and shoes in the cupboard near the main door. And while that he ever checked if someone see him. "

" What? Poppy are you dumb? Why didn't you tell me? "

" I don't know. But I put a GPS in the trousers. Here is his location. "

Poppy shows his phone to Gulf, he feels totally ashamed. His eyes are wet from tears. He feels so stupid.

"Oh God Poppy I love you. Call every one. I want 5 vans with 6 men inside. And tell them to come here as fast as possible."

" Okay......" Poppy is stupefied. He thought Gulf would break his neck.

While they wait for the vans Zee comes and comfort Saint. They are all so worried.

" Zee, Saint you stay here with 6 of my man. If anything happen here I want that you contact me asap."

Both can only nod.

When they are in the vans and on the way to the location, Poppy tells everything he found out till now to Gulf, Park and Marc.

" Mew did a good job I must say. He ordered a cab to bring him to a car rental. Then he drove for one hour and got himself a new car. If we don't have the GPS it would take days to find him. We will take one hour to reach there, as we can drive through. Mew left at midnight, that means he is since 8 hours there. "

"Okay when we reach the destination I want that the men stay outside I will go alone inside. Park, You call the police the second I enter. And for sure an ambulance. "

" Gulf, I'm so sorry. I can't forgive myself that I was so stupid, that I didn't tell you. "
Tears running down his ashamend face .

" Poppy. You are not more stupid than me. I mean, I trusted my boyfriend so much that I didn't even had the idea he could drug me and run away. I was so stupid to not see the signs in his behavior. But you did a good job. Sure it had been better when you told me, but nevertheless we are able to find him. "

The Scars 🔞 (MewGulf) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now