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song of the chapter: adore you by harry styles

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song of the chapter: adore you by harry styles



Months had passed since Isaiah exposed himself, and since the talk Winter had with her mother. She took her words into consideration, and was happy with where he ended up.

Isaiah and Winter were what you could call... friends. Winter accepted Isaiah's many apologies, and even apologized herself for being so mean to him all the time.

Isaiah told Winter that for the longest time, he had a crush on the other. And to say the pink haired girl was surprised was an understatement. She at first attempted calling him out by claiming it was a lie. Who would bully their crush like that for years?

Then, Isaiah said it was Kai who found out about his crush on her. And Kai being the person he was, didn't like the fact his buddy had a crush on the 'slut'.

So he threatened him, and made him bully her. It didn't help that around that time Winter dyed her hair the famous bright pink color it was.

Since it had been months, Mateo's hair was back to its natural color. He didn't re-dye it, only because his parents didn't approve and told him it was ugly.

Jason on the other hand did re-dye his, but only the ends which he thought looked better that way. Winter was grateful for them nonetheless.

Today was Jason's birthday, he was celebrating it at Winter's parents house with her family. They were more than welcome to let him in, and through their own little party.

Of course, Jason spent time with his grandparents during the morning and all evening, but once the clock hit 5pm, he was over his friend's house in an instant.

So there everyone was, the entire family, but this time with another special guest, Isaiah himself. Winter already introduced him to her parents, and they were more than welcoming with having him join the family.

Even Bianca was there, who had slowly begun to join the friend group along with Isaiah.

Everyone was sitting around in the large living room, watching The First Purge, even the younger kids. Of course there were bad parts, so they just skipped over the mature ones.

In the love seat was the parents, and little Julian in their arms. The longer seat had Winter beside Isaiah, the two sitting squished since Mateo, Cayden, and Bianca. And in the last love seat was Jason and Victoria.

"You know, you can get off of me, now." Victoria mumbled as she tried to move her arm which was held captive in Jason's grip.

As if on cue, a man in a creepy purge mask popped up on the screen, scaring the 18 year old Jason as he clutched Victoria like his life depended on it.

She groaned but didn't bother to push him off.. in fact, she was struggling to keep her lips in a firm line since it kept pulling upwards. Jason noticed, and snuggled in more, eventually resting his head on her shoulder as he pretended to be scared.

Winter caught that and smiled secretly. She felt a nudge on her shoulder and glanced at Isaiah. Winter was in the middle of the sofa, squished from the several others on the couch, so her legs were pressed lightly to Isaiah's.

"Are you smiling at that dude's death?" Isaiah asked sarcastically as the screams from the television sounded around the room.

It was really loud, due to the music and the action going on in the movie. So Isaiah didn't have to worry about bothering anyone else during the film.

"No, dummy." Winter smiled when Isaiah made an offended face. "Jase and Victoria."

Isaiah made an "o" with his mouth and glanced at the couple on the seat. Victoria and Jason still weren't considered anything since Victoria just wanted time.

But that didn't stop Jason from throwing cute compliments and flirty smiles to her whenever he saw her.

"Cayden dude, cut your nails!" Mateo shrieked as the younger's hands dug into his arm in freight.

Cayden had his face covered with a pillow to block out the violent scenes but decided to use Mateo since he was right beside him.

"They're not even long!" Cayden shot back, elbowing the guy. "You're just weak!"

"You little - " A scream on the television cut off Mateo's words and everyone was thankful for the cut off, knowing Mateo wasn't going to hold back.

Winter laughed aloud, but eventually stopped when her parents were glaring at her. "Whoops?"

Isaiah chuckled from beside her, and he wrapped his arm around the pink haired girl's shoulder. Winter relaxed into his arms, seeking comfort. A smile unconsciously made its way onto her face right as a person on the screen dropped dead from getting shot.

Winter liked this. Not seeing a person get shot, but being around her family and friends, and her soulmate.

"Weirdo." Isaiah pinched her lightly and Winter only shook her head. As if he was any better.

"You still haven't answered my question, by the way."

She looked up at Isaiah curiously. "What question?" He smiled and leaned in closely, making sure it was only Winter who could hear him. He whispered. "What's your answer?"

Winter smiled slowly as she realized what was going on. "Um, what?" She asked jokingly, playing along.

But before Isaiah got the chance to reply, Winter spoke before him. "Is this a joke? I - I have to act like a complete idiot and leave - bye!"

Isaiah's mouth dropped sarcastically as Winter giggled and left the couch and ran away. He just shook his head and shifted over into Winter's spot, creating more room on the couch.

She's gonna have to find somewhere else to sit when she comes back...


the endddd!! i'm not completely proud of the ending either, i'll probably edit it later!!

thank you so much for reading this!🥺

i hope you enjoyed it! tell me any thoughts and suggestions! :))

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