chapter 15

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song of the chapter: know your worth by khalid & disclosure

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song of the chapter: know your worth by khalid & disclosure


chapter 15

One week had officially passed since that day, and it was currently Saturday. Winter was getting ready to go to work when her sister burst through the door.

Victoria stood with her hands on her hips as she narrowed her eyes at her sister. "Did you give Jason my Instagram?"

Winter looked up at her a bit confused. "Um, yeah, why?"

Victoria made a sound and took out her phone, flipping it towards Winter. She looked at it, and at first didn't understand what Victoria was trying to show her, but then he looked closer.

It was the comments to one of her Instagram posts, only it was flooded with heart and heart eye emojis but all from the same person. Jason was so lucky he was cute, otherwise he most likely would have gotten blocked.

"Idiot." Winter whispered under her breath, shaking her head. Then she looked closer. "Wait he sent those a few days ago."

Victoria glanced at her. "Yeah, I know."

"And you haven't deleted them? Or blocked him?" Winter found it odd since it seemed like something Victoria normally would do.

She saw her looking down at the ground a little, a pink tint covering her cheeks. Was Victoria blushing?

Then, Winter began laughing aloud at the thought of Jason spamming her page. Of course he would do something like that. Victoria pushed her sister playfully and put her phone back in her pocket.

"It's not funny!" She said, although she wore a small smile herself. "He's been DMing me all morning."

As if on cue, her phone pinged and Jason's username popped up on the screen. Winter saw her smile as she glanced at the phone, and then shook her head. She smirked.

"Well you and your soulmate can go talk, I've got to get to work." Winter continued putting on her work shoes which were just black converse.

"What?" Victoria froze slightly and eyed her younger sister. Winter looked at her weirdly, seeing how wide her eyes got.

"I was joking..." Winter trailed off, a little confused.

Victoria just nodded slowly and turned to leave. Winter narrowed her eyes at Victoria suspiciously as she left the room.

"Weird..." She mumbled and got into her car for work.


Winter arrived at her job on time as usual. It was 5pm, and since she worked night shift she wouldn't be getting back home until around midnight.

She only worked four days a week, including weekends. As much as she wanted more shifts, she couldn't since she was still a minor.

When she walked into the store, she headed to the back and looked around for Mateo since they had the exact same shifts.

She went onto her phone, about to check the Life 360 app to see if he was close, when he felt a hand grasp her shoulder.

Winter flinched, spinning around, and her eyes met Mateo's. Only... he looked different. Completely different.

"Oh my gosh, Tae!" Winter's eyes practically popped out of its socket as they took in Mateo's new hair, which was a mix of pink and purple highlights creating a cotton candy effect.

"Do you like it?" Mateo asked cheerfully, touching his now colored hair.

Winter nodded with a wide smile. "It's so pretty!" She let her hand mess with the newly colored locks.

She liked the way the colors were merged together, fading into eachother. They blended so well, and made Mateo's eyes stand out.

"You should see Jason's. His is a darker pink, and it's so cute!"

Mateo faced his phone towards Winter, and she smiled warmly at the silly face Jason made in the selfie.

"It looks amazing!" It truly did.

"We did it for you." Mateo beamed, and Winter felt her heart warming.

She threw her arms over Mateo's neck and leant on him. Mateo laughed and hugged her back with just as much excitement.

"Are you crying?" He felt something drip onto his shoulder.

"I'm sorry!" Winter wiped her tears and Mateo chuckled at the weight. "I'm just so happy! Thank you guys."

Winter was most definitely not expecting this, but at that moment, she realized just how great her friends were. And knew she wouldn't trade them for the world.


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