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"What's happening?" Natasha asked as she and Steve stormed into the room, followed by a concerned looking Tony Stark.

The spider kid was lying on the infirmary bed, his chest was going up and down, real fast. His mouth was half open and his eyes were closed shut. A single trey of blood was coming out of his mouth. His breaths were loud and it was also obvious that he was having a really hard time taking them. His face was covered in sweat and was struck with pain. It seemed like he was choking. The sounds of the heart monitor beeping rapidly with an unusual speed was filling the room. It was obviously what attracted the Avengers' attention."

"The poison on the dagger. It reached his lungs. He's dying." Banner said as he was desperately looking for some tools in the infirmary's cabinet.

"What can we do?" Steve asked as Bucky, Clint, Wanda and Scott also got into the room.

"Hold him still." Banner said and pulled out a long empty syringe out of one of the cabinet's drawers.

Bucky and Steve ran forward and each grabbed an arm of the unconciouss vigilante.

"His lungs are collapsing. They're getting filled with blood and air. We need to take them out." Bruce said as he motioned Steve and Bucky to get ready.

"This is gonna hurt kid..." Bruce mumbled as he stepped closer to the kid who was struggling under the grips of two super soldiers.

Then Bruce sticked the syringe to the kid's chest.

The heart monitor got plainly fast and the kid seemed like he was trying his best to suppress his urge to scream. Wanda instantly looked the other way as the kid gave in and a loud groan-like scream was heard. The kid started strugling and turning like insane under the grips of Cap and Bucky.

"Hold him still." Bruce said once again and pulled the syringe, it filled with nearly black looking dark red blood.

"I suppose that is not how his blood is supposed to look." Clint said.

"No it's not." Bruce said simply as he pulled the syringe out of the kid's chest, throwing it on the table and getting a syringe-like tube.

Meanwhile the kid screamed again but this time it was a more desperate scream, one full of pain. Cap and Bucky were also having a really hard time trying to hold him down.

Bruce sticked the tube where he just punctured the kid's skin and opened it, letting the air on his lungs out and he pulled it out. The kid finally took a deep breath and his body fell limp. And the beepings of the heart monitor slowly turned to normal.

The room fell silent for a minute. Cap and Bucky were still holding the kid down like they were afraid he would try to jump off the bed. The beepings kept echoing in the room before the silence was finally broken.

"Allright guys, I don't think you'll be much of a help from here." Bruce said turning to Cap and Bucky, motioning them to let the kid's arms free.

"The kid's strong." Bucky said while rubbing his non-metal arm. "Like super-soldier strong."

"Do you think he's another experiment of Hydra?" Wanda asked.


"Well, a maybe is not good enough for me. If we are gonna have another super soldier or whatever that is related to Hydra, I at least wanna have a heads up." Tony talked for the first time he since he got into the room.

"Friday, make a facial scan of the kid. And tell me everything you can find on him."

"Yes sir."

They waited silently on the corner of the medbay while Bruce kept stiching the kid's wounds.

It has been three or four minutes before Friday replied.

"No files have been found."

"What do you mean no files have been found?"

"All files have been deleted by an unknown source." Friday replied.

"Deleted? You mean-" Steve started but Friday cut him off.

"All files proving his existance have been erased from the database worldwide, including the hardcopies."

"Someone erased his existance?" Wanda asked.

"I think he erased himself." Tony replied.

"Allright, Friday is there any way to bring those files back?" Tony added.

"I'm afraid no sir."

"If he's working with Hydra then it could be their job." Natasha said.

"Yeah but he's also saving people. Why would Hydra want him to save people?" Clint asked.

"I don't know." Tony said and he turned to Clint.

"Weren't you supposed to be flying the jet?"

All eyes turned to Clint.

"Hope and Sam are flying it."

"Yeah but non of them flew a jet before in their lives." Scott said.

"Well, they can fly themselves, it shouldn't be too hard for them." Clint said.

"Really?" Tony started but Bruce cut him off.

"Guys, I'm trying to stich him up here."

"Oh, yeah, right..."

The Avengers took a final look at the kid and walked out the med-bay. Tony stopped at the door, thinking one thing.

Who the hell was that kid?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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