Chapter Two: Jealousy Part 1

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MARINETTE WAS OBLIVIOUS to Adrien's previous moment of staring at her. Either way, if she had noticed, she would become a red, stuttering mess again. It's crazy how crazy a crush can make you.

Both Adrien and Marinette had their share of people who liked them- as more than a friend. Especially Adrien, the famous model and son of a famous fashion designer.

To start off, there's Chloe. Chloe has been friends with Agreste since they were little, she was Adrien's first "friend".

The school bell rang, and all the students flowed out of the classroom, most out of eagerness to get to lunch after a long period of work. Adrien was talking to his best friend, Nino Lahiffe, and Marinette was talking to her best friend, Alya Cesaire.

"ADRIKINS!", was what came from a girly voice, running towards Adrien. "Hi, Adrikinsss! I bet you missed me. I saw you come in with Dupain-Cheng. I'm sure that must've been horrible for you! It's okay, sit with me at lunch and I'll cheer you up."

"Uh, Chloe I-", Adrien started, in response to Chloe's sudden outburst. She grabbed his hand, pulling him away from Nino and dragging him away before he could finish.


"Hey, Alya. What's up?" Marinette told Alya.

"Hey, girl! Nothing much. How did it go with Adrien?" Alya teased, leaning into Marinette. Alya was always interested in a new scoop, even if it wasn't about Ladybug.

"A-Adrien? What are you talking about, Alya?"

"I'm not dumb, I saw you and Adrien walk into class together, what happened?" Alya pleaded.

"O-oh! Uh, Adrien was worried about me because I was running to school, so he walked up to me and-" I began, but was pushed away by a certain blondie with a ponytail and a yellow cardigan. I watched as Chloe ran to "Adrikins" and kissed him on the cheek, Adrien clearly looking disturbed. She practically dragged Adrien away!!

      I was officially annoyed. I started to march over in Chloe and Adrien's direction until Alya grabbed my shoulder and shook her head. Ugh. I'm lucky I have a good friend like Alya, or I would've been a clingy mess like Chloe. But there's no way on earth that I could ever be as mean as her!

    No, but Chloe isn't someone I need to worry about Adrien liking. It's Lila and Kagami. Well, Lila only has a chance because of her lies. Last week, she told everyone that Nathaniel traced his drawings, and people believed her, obviously. Until poor Nathaniel had to prove himself by drawing something himself in front of the class. "Why would Lila do something like that?"- is what I would've asked if I weren't too smart to know that Lila is a lying little-...

        Anyways, I'm sure Adrien believes me, at least. Lila almost got me expelled, but out of the blue, she changed her mind and decided to lie again to help me out of that mess. I thought she wanted to be nice, however, after what she said, I don't think so. But other than him, everyone thinks Lila is a complete angel. It's disgusting.

       Entirely opposite to Lila, Kagami is actually a good person. Sure, I and her weren't on the best terms in the beginning, but we really proved ourselves to each other. I wouldn't want to hurt her. But she said herself that she would rather keep Adrien than our friendship, despite hurting me. She's definitely a huge competition. I think they're dating.

     I wish I were Kagami. Then maybe Adrien would at least have some interest in me. He still considers me just a friend. He even told it to Kagami!

I try to be happy for them, I really do. But how can I, when I love Adrien so much? And they seem so happy for each other, maybe they should be together.

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