Chapter 5

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They used to always teach us at school how bad addictions are. Professors made many PowerPoints and endless presentations to prove their words and convince us to stay away from drugs.

Why? Mainly because they are bad for your health. The irony is that society always looks at an addict with disdain, forgetting for a moment that she is an addict too. No, she doesn't take drugs or live on weed. But erupting like a volcano is the detox to her soul, the oxygen to her heart. Yet, she always hides it by portraying such a beautiful and serene image from afar, so that you can never guess her secret.

Yes, she's addicted. Addicted to provoking shock and anger within her population. In fact, shock and anger are two emotions that always go together. First comes shock then anger. Shock hits you just like a wave hits one of its admirers sitting by the shore; while anger is the wave itself, bouncing back and forth, with an energy no one can have.

For many years, I tried to control my emotions regarding my parents, my grades, my health... Regarding my life. I didn't want to be a doll in society's play. And over time, I have learned to control myself, to never show any weakness. Even to my best friends.

However, right now, after being shocked, I am trying my best to control my anger towards the creature standing in front of me. Evelyn just dropped the bomb that she has invited Jake and his friends to the picnic tomorrow.

You might be confused so let me explain.

We have planned to visit the "Seville museum of Art" followed by a tour of "Plaza De España" which is located next to it. We have also planned of finishing our morning journey with a picnic at "Parque de Maria Louisa".

"Are they also going to tour with us?" asks a very calm Alice.

"No, I don't think so. They are only going to lunch. They have wanted to stay here in the hotel at first but I convinced them otherwise." I roll my eyes and barely stop myself from throwing the pillow at her.

"Don't look at me like this. You need to meet new people. How long has it been since the last time you were with a guy? 3 years?" I want to correct her- it has actually been 4 years- but I restrain my tongue and throw the pillow at her face.

What once starts with a simple reprimand ends up with a huge pillow fight between us two. Alice mistook our war for fun and join us. We play like this for a couple of minutes before we fall back on the mattress.

"Soph, I truly meant what I was saying. You need to chill and end this thinking of doing everything according to the plan, of staying as closed off as you can. We're here to have fun, hook up with guys that we are never going to see again and my decision is final." Evelyn ends her statement and goes to the bathroom. I sigh, this trip is nothing like I've expected.


The following day, we wake up as early as possible as a way to make our body more accustomed to different time zones. I can't guarantee you that we are as energized as if we were back home but at least we're trying. We order room service and eat our breakfast on the balcony where the view is breathtaking. Birds keep us company and increase the magic of the moment.

This is basically why we haven't agreed on a guide for the first three days.

Anyway, after dressing up and taking all the necessary stuff, we head to the museum in which we spend approximately two hours. The Museum of Fine Arts of Seville contains a collection of visual arts from the medieval period to the early 20th century. These pieces are really fascinating and depict in an original way the history of Spain.

When we decide we've had enough, we walk to the Plaza De España, a semi-circular brick building with a tower at both ends. We also stay there for two hours, retailing every single detail.

Our last destination is the park where we would be eating lunch. Considering we are two groups, the items were equally distributed. We buy bagels and juice on our way while Jake's group is responsible for bringing appetizers and a blanket.

"Jake, you're already here" exclaims a very enthusiastic Evelyn before she runs towards him and flowers him with a kiss. I run my gaze over his group composed of three other guys and two girls. And to fulfill my joy, Troy is one of the guys.

His gaze caresses my body just like a brush cajoles its canvas. I feel hot from the fire his eyes are sending my way and directly hug my arm in an attempt to shield myself. This time I don't sense butterflies in my gut but rather a zoo.

Jake starts introducing us to his fellows and Troy jumps to the opportunity of declaring that we already know each other. Anna and Evelyn look at me wickedly and I turn a dark shade of crimson. They chuckle and change the subject. I finally learned the names of everyone: Ava, Britney, Luke, and Damon.

After that awkward encounter, we settle down and start eating. Luke is sitting at my right and I find myself getting along with him. He's like a male version of me so it's not surprising to see me laughing all the time. Evelyn was right, it's good to lessen up a little. At the mention of my flirtatious friend, I cast my way towards her and accidentally catch the eye of Troy. Time seems to freeze as I lose myself in the pool of his blue eyes. Seville's water got nothing compared to them.

"Sophie, what do you say?" Asks Luke, unaware that his voice broke the ice of the moment. I manage a simple "I don't know" because I haven't been listening. It's the answer that can go with any question.

"I was asking you if you could pass me the remaining chips."

I laugh uncomfortably and give him what he wants. It looks like our I don't know can't answer every question after all.

When we finish eating, we start packing everything and throw what needs to be thrown into the garbage. I decide to apologize to Troy for being rude to him the previous night since it's obvious that our group is going to be spending time together. Evelyn has shown a big interest in Jake and I don't want to trouble myself arguing with Troy each time we see him.

I approach him slowly. He's standing next to Ava, a smile on his face. The girl looks at him like he's her idol and it's clear that she's into him.

"Um, Troy can I talk to you for a second?" Surprised, he stops what he's doing and nods. Ava doesn't look pleased with me; if looks could kill I swear I'd be 100 feet under.

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