Chapter 6

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Memories come with a cost. They cost you the moment you're living in and take you to a foreign place. They cost you the sanity of your mind and make you long or dread a part of your life.

My memories are mostly bitter but there was a time when they were colorful, full of life. For example, before we moved out, every memory I have of what is left of our family was amazing. I had a beautiful and peaceful childhood. My parents used to love each other and made me dream of having a prince charming to complete a fairytale similar to theirs. However, it all changed when we arrived in a new town. The frame containing the image of the perfect family was broken.

I remember clearly the day they told me we were leaving. Little me was very excited and was jumping up and down. My father just got accepted into a new job that paid a very high salary and we were moving to a bigger house. Then I remembered the friends who were going to stay there and I felt bad for leaving them. I should have known that the ghost of my most cherished moments was going to stay there as well.

When I settled in our new house, I had all the toys I wanted but I missed my father who was staying very late at the office. This longing I felt soonly turned into dread when the mask he was wearing fell off. Maybe it was present all along but we never really saw it.

From then on, moments made me fear emotions and made me keep everything inside. My life became a routine I was willing to break by becoming a doctor. It was the only air capable of making me breathe again and I never imagined anything else who held that power.

Yet, standing in front of that man and looking into his beautiful eyes erase that thought. My heart is beating so fast that I can feel every beat through my chest: I have never been more alive.

"So what do you want to talk to me about?" wonders a cocky Troy.

"I just came here to apologize for being rude yesterday. I was having a rough day" I explain as much as I can, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Oh, well I've forgotten about it. You don't need to worry. But if you're so adamant, there's one thing you can do for me to forgive you."

Upon hearing his words, I raise my eyebrows expecting him to ask me out or demand my phone number. Don't get me wrong, but it's a typical phrase I've read too many times in books and heard endlessly in movies. Nonetheless, just the image of me and him alone in our own world gives me goosebumps. If I thought my heart was beating fast before, I take my words back. It's having a marathon right now.

I look at his foot and see him approaching me, counting each step he's making. I don't realize he's close till his breath mingles with mine and informs me of his presence.

"I want you to look me in the eyes when you talk to me". I blush and slowly raise my head. I expect him to remind me of my lack of courage but he doesn't. Instead, he waits for me to break the silence. Little does he know that I am taking advantage of his nearness to study his face one more time. Up close, I notice how long his eyelashes are and how smooth his skin is. This creates in me a need to touch him and test if my theory is correct.

"Is that better?" I ask running out of breath before I step away from him. "It's disrespectful of your girlfriend for us to be that close." He glances at me as if my hair is on fire; so I point my head in the direction of Ava to clarify my statement. Troy starts laughing uncontrollably and shakes his head.

His laugh is deep, deeper than the ocean of his eyes. At this moment I understand that the feeling isn't mutual and that's only Ava who likes him. "You're cute Saffi," he comments while ruffling my hair. "Actually, It's Sophie with an o." He laughs one more time and goes back to helping Jake.

I follow him and remark that everything was packed perfectly while we were talking. Evelyn says goodbye to her lover boy and whispers something in his ear. This gesture doesn't go unnoticed by me and Alice, so we start giggling in private.

We say goodbye to the group and continue our journey to the nearest mall. On our way, Evelyn breaks the silence and asks us "What do you think of Jake?"We look at her funnily, it's the first time she's ever asked us this question. "What do YOU think of him?" I fire back at her.

She blushes and starts talking about her feelings towards him."I like him. He's a doctor and I'm a nurse. What a perfect match!" I start to wonder if Troy is also a doctor; when the man was having a heart attack, he knew what he was doing and seemed pretty confident about it. I should ask him the next time I'm with him.

She continues talking about how fast her heart beats whenever he's around and how easily he makes her laugh. I compare every feeling she's describing to the ones I have developed in the presence of Troy. Could I be attracted to him? No, of course not. He makes me nervous because he's a stranger and I am an introvert. I'm not being used to befriend people other than Evelyn and Alice. It must be it...


When we arrive at the mall, we start shopping for other clothes to wear during the holidays because the weather here is cooler than what we're usually used to. Furthermore, to our luck, the shops are having sales; some dresses even cost 3$.

We try on many clothes and I also buy shirts I think would fit my mother."Oh, I forgot to tell you. Tomorrow is Ava's birthday and we're invited. Do you have a dress for the occasion?"

Alice nods and I shake my head. Usually, I don't own any dresses and I've only brought with me the red one and two casual sundresses. My best friends give me a look of complete disbelief. Therefore, it's not surprising to find them fighting in the stores about which outfit I should choose.

"Try the blue dress. It suits your hair," exclaims the first one."No, look at this white dress, it will bring out the color of your eyes," finishes the latter. I ignore both of them as a black dress catches my eye. I pick it up and show it to my friends who stop their bickering and nod in awe.

When I put it on, I am surprised to what extent it fits me. It is tight and emphasizes the curves of my body without displaying too much skin. It's a hanging neck dress in which mesh and lace cover the bustline. When I open the curtain, my friends utter a scream of fascination and it's all I need to buy the dress.

I can't stop myself from imagining Troy's reaction tomorrow when he sees me. Are you going to deny your attraction to him now? murmurs my subconscious. I shush her and join Alice and Evelyn in their conversation.

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