Chapter 14

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It might sound strange, but for me, there is a huge difference between knowing and feeling.

According to the dictionary, you know that a star is a natural luminous body visible in the sky. A fact that means nothing but words uttered by a soulless paper.

On the other hand, according to experience, you feel that a star is a cluster of hope shining in the middle of your darkest times. An emotion that means nothing but a heartbeat heard amidst chaotic sounds.

I've known from a young age that the sun is a star, I've just never felt it before today. Because at this particular moment, it's supervising me from above, encouraging my angels to overcome one of the most difficult obstacles of my life: letting go.

As you have probably guessed, the sun is shining at its full power. It's not a surprise though, given that the clock has ticked its eleven tocks. Luckily enough, the participant that should have been at my place right now has called in sick. Thank you, stranger, for giving me an excuse to use in the future.

So, here I am, laying on the ground while waiting for Troy to start the session. He doesn't say a word for a couple of minutes, closing his eyes to enjoy the summer wave. I don't understand how he's calmly dealing with it while I'm struggling to take a single breath.

"Um, Troy... I'm happy and all, but can we begin our lesson?" I ask, sweat dripping off my neck in a cascade.

He laughs at my query and shakes his head.

"This is our lesson Saffi," he explains briefly.

I look around me suspiciously, trying to decipher the meaning behind his words. All I'm seeing is trees, flowers, and water; not a single trace of music-related stuff.

So, sensing my lack of understanding, Troy re-explains his point with hands behind his head.

"You don't get it, do you? It's nature. For a person that reads a lot, you should know that all the writers get their inspiration from nature. It brings out the best version of themselves. Why? For the reason that it shields them from the wire of dysfunction this world creates and takes them to an unfiltered heaven. Where all the worries disappear and the pure soul regurgitates. You, as a singer, aren't different from them."

His comment surprises me and not because the young man is wrong. In fact, he couldn't be more right. It's just that the anecdote has failed to cross my mind. I decide to give his opinion a shot and copy his movement by closing my eyes. Sweat is still dripping off me, penetrating every inch of my skin. In the meantime, the grass is tickling my butt, obliging me to move around like a clown. All in all, I'm finding it very hard to concentrate.

"For this to work, you don't have to think about it," surprises me Troy. He has regained his initial position and is staring at me amusedly.

"Let's change the tactics. I will be talking and you will be doing as I say. Now, close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you so."

My body unconsciously obeys his orders and relaxes under his voice.

"Imagine that you're alone. Just you, the trees, and the sea. You're communicating through a secret language nobody understands. First, listen closely to the water, its waves are calling you. Even though they come and go, their resilience is searching for yours."

He pauses for a while, letting my senses adjust to the new bubble settling in my intestines.

"Second, hear the birds singing never-ending notes in a sweet chorus. Their happiness is inviting you to chant along with them like you don't belong on Earth. Finally, taste the salty odor of the sea and use it as a reminder that the most beautiful things don't always have the greatest flavor."

Nature falls on me like a blanket engulfing my soul, shutting my brain out of my body. At this instant, I comprehend every single syllable the blue-eyed boy has ever said. I comprehend everything and even envy the writers who have known this serenity for their whole life. Silence settles between us before peace replaces it. Yes, peace. It's not the chaos I've described before, and I hope that someday we will be successful at shifting the designation of both terms.

Suddenly, the gentle melody of "killing me softly" commences. Instead of panicking, I let the peace guide me to sing at full force. My last note is out before I'm aware of it.

At this, I cannot keep my eyes closed. I've done it. I've finally put my soul out on the open. A laugh escapes my lips and I find myself hugging Troy. He reciprocates the gesture, laughing with me as if we've won a treasure. This is the kind of hug whose strong protective arms tell the story of two spirits becoming one while breathing the same air. Our embrace is warm, his touch is magical. The way his fingertips trace inches of my arm raises goosebumps on my whole limbs.

Unfortunately, it ends before it begins. A small amount of space stands between us now and I don't dare look up into his face. For he will know I can't get enough of his touch, of everything related to him.

"Good job! I'm really proud of you. See, it's about which thoughts are welcomed in your mind and which are not. Our lesson is done for today. However, you need to practice this whenever you can since we're just at the beginning," Troy ends with an aura of faith bounding him.

Afterward, we say goodbye and I retreat to my room. I still don't make eye contact, keeping my head down as I pass next to him. Yet, he doesn't dwell on it, lost in his own dilemma. Who would have thought this day was going to be spent like this? Who would have said that I needed to get a simple taste of my crush to become an addict ??

Once I arrive at my resting place, I notice that my friends aren't there. I text Evelyn to discover they've gone to the Spa and are waiting for me to join them. From the moment I step foot in the lodge, Alice showers me with several questions on the long singing training, while my blush seems to calm her fantasizing mind.

Another relaxing tour welcomes my body until the sun loses its battle to the moon. So, just like every night, I'm brushing my curls down before going to sleep. Nonetheless, my routine is disturbed when the phone beeps from the nightstand.

Meet me tomorrow at the garden at 7 p.m.

The message is sent from the same number that has been contacting me since early morning- which means it must belong to Troy. My fingers twitch as I register his name on the screen, whereas my brain is memorizing those special digital numbers. I wonder the reason behind his text, shutting the excitement building in me.

My parents taught me not to go out with strangers. Sorry!!

A few seconds later, he gets back to me with a new message. I open it hastily only me to be disappointed by the response. Hell, being disappointed is an understatement; I feel like a scuba diver being swallowed by a shark.

It's a make-up session for today's adventure. See you tomorrow XOXO

I sigh in frustration; when will he ever see me as a woman and not just a candidate? But the most important question is: why do I want a playboy to be with me if I am 100% sure he will break my already shattered heart?

A/N: Hello my lovely readers! I hope you liked the chapter, I've written it more than two times but still feel it's not perfect.  I am also sorry that it's shorter than other parts, I just didn't want to rush their moments together. So, what do you think about the chapter? 

Let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote. Have a nice weekend! 

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