Chapter 9: Time For... Thinking

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Nothing bad has currently happened.

Or that's what I thought.

I had proved Karma wasn't the culprit, but that just only eliminated him, not other people.

And that's not good.

"So, that means Karma must've got the knife from..." Nakamura-san thought.

Where exactly could he have gotten?








At the kitchen!

"Karma, you got that kitchen knife at the kitchen, right?" I asked him.

"Duh, it's a kitchen knife, after all!" he laughed, "people can sometimes forget common sense..."


The whole conversation just got very awkward.

"So I guess the culprit killed Okajima-kun at night?" Itona-kun spoke up.

"Yes, probably after the party, I guess." I agreed with him.

"But what proves that?" Kanzaki-san asked.

What proves that he was killed at that time...?

Truth Bullet Uses: Glitter On Sheathe

"The glitter on the sheathe does." I told them, "since we know the weapon is the knife from Isogai-kun's collection, and we all know that the mics--"

"I disagree with you." I heard someone.

"K-kayano-chan?!" I yelled.

"I disagree with that, (Y/N)-chan!" she yelled at me, "can't you see the other possibilities out there?!"

"I mean, the weapon didn't have to be the knife in the collection, I agree..." Nagisa-kun told us.

"Nagisa-kun?!" I yelled, "you too?!"

"I was forced..." he made his usual sad face when he was to be forced.

"Well, I think (Y/N)-chan's theory sounds reasonable..." Itona agreed with me.

Is he being forced?!?! I though to myself.

"Well then," Shinigami slammed the chalkboard in the Classroom with a long teacher pointer (that thing teachers uses to point things far away and hit students with), as Koro Sensei wrote something in chalk with Mach 20 speed.

It was a manga.

"Argue!" the manga showed Kayano-chan and Nagisa-kun disagreeing.

"You're going to have something called a Rebuttal Showdown." Koro Sensei explained, "the traditional way, you are to use swords and slash your opponent's claims."

Then Koro Sensei took out a boomerang.

"This is a Truth Boomerang, and you are to use these boomerangs to 'slash' you're opponent's claim." he explained.

Then what's the point of slashing then?!?!

"However," Shinigami explained, "after a specific point, you might find weak spots of your opponents claims... the first one to destroy the claim wins!"

"Well then, clear the path out for injuries!" Koro Sensei told us as our desks came forward and our chairs were taken away.

The four of us started talking.

"So (Y/N)-chan, maybe think about the knives in the Kitchen?" she asked, "anybody could've used to get the knives there, right?"

"Yeah, but glitter wasn't found there in the first place, right?" Itona asked her, "and after all--"

"Itona-kun, (Y/N)-chan, you seem to forget, but the culprit doesn't have to be anyone that participated the party." Nagisa-kun told us with something familiar in his eyes, "so you guys might be the culprits."

"But isn't it too weird for the glitter to be on there?" I asked.

"It seems possible, since the crime occurred during night." Itona told them, "since we confirmed that the crime occurred during nighttime, it would be possible the culprit didn't notice the glitter."

"But anybody could've just randomly placed the glitter there, right?" Kayano-chan pointed at me, "so there's nothing suspicious about the glitter--"

"There is!" I yelled, "we saw that the microphones used at the Party had glitter, and since these glitters can get stuck on you, it means the culprit had must been someone--"

"THAT'S WRONG!" Nagisa-kun yelled as he swung a boomerang.


"W, what?!" Kayano-chan seemed also suprised.

"You might not know that you weren't in the party, but after the party, we washed our hands, right?" Nagisa-kun asked us.

"I think I remember that..." Karma told him.

"I don't remember that..." Yada-san told us.

"Probably because some of us were drunk that time or it was late night..." Nagisa-kun told us.

"Well then, " Itona sighed in defeat, "I guess we're suspects, right? Those who weren't in the Party and didn't touch the microphones must not be prime suspects, right?"

Our tables returned in our normal positions. Our face tensed.

"Still, someone might used the glitter to frame..." I told them, "we're just saying that they're more suspicious."

We didn't even move a bit... we didn't even talk much about anything.

Was it just that we didn't collect enough information?


...was it because the culprit actually was next to me and I trusted him too much?

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