Chapter 16: Special Moves

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A few weeks had passed since I transferred One for All to Mirio. I noticed that I was better off without All Might's quirk. I just felt freer. The weeks passed, carrying us from July into mid-August. Kyoka's birthday came and passed.

We threw a birthday party for her in the lounge area, as we had done for me. Sato and Kacchan worked together (albeit a bit reluctantly on Kacchan's side. Sato didn't appear to mind.) to bake Kyoka a glorious cake. It was decorated with musical notes and musical instruments. The way that Kyoka's eyes had lit up when she saw the cake warmed my heart. I had given Kyoka a new set of headphones. The gift didn't make much sense if you really thought about it, she could plug her earphone jacks into her phone and listen to things that way, however, Kyoka had confided in me once that it could get annoying having her wires in the way, so I thought a pair of wireless headphones seemed like a pretty good gift. Kacchan had got Kyoka a book full of music. It was basically sheet music for some pretty old songs which Kyoka still really liked. All of Kyoka's gifts from her friends were greatly outshined by what Yaomomo decided to get her girlfriend. I knew that Yaomomo came from a wealthy family, everyone knew, but my mouth went dry and my heart stopped when I saw what she had gotten Kyoka. She had bought Kyoka a ¥160,000 lilac and white bass guitar. I think the whole class's mouths hung open when they saw Kyoka holding a Fender bass guitar. It was one of the more expensive ones from the shop. I don't think anyone was more surprised than Kyoka, she had sat in stunned silence for minutes before she leapt into her girlfriend's arms and started kissing her all over her face in gratitude, only after she carefully placed her bass on the sofa, of course. The look of relief on Yaomomo's face when Kyoka reacted was hilarious. Nothing extremely eventful happened after Kyoka's birthday. Well unless you count the Bakusquad somehow nearly completely destroying the flower garden eventful. I still, to this day, have no idea how they managed it.

"Come get it, motherfuckers!" Kacchan shouted from the kitchen. Kacchan had decided to be nice and cook the entire class breakfast, though I suspected that he was going to ask or do something later on in the day and planned to use the fact that he had cooked breakfast to coerce people into doing what he wanted. "It smells delicious." I complimented Kacchan as I passed by the countertop, stacking pancakes onto my plate as I went. "I wouldn't be feeding you dickheads it if it wasn't good," Kacchan grumbled as he ruffled my hair affectionately. I smiled up at the significantly taller boy as I left the kitchen and headed into the dining room, taking a seat between Iida and Shoto. "Good morning, Love." Shoto smiled at me, leaning in to kiss me on the cheek. I smiled at the soft feeling of Shoto's lips on my cheek. "Good morning, Sho." I beamed in return. "OMG! YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!" Mina squealed a bit too loudly. I flinched slightly in my chair, though nobody seemed to notice. "Ashido! Please do not speak so loudly in the morning!" Iida chastised, being a bit of a hypocrite seeing as he was also shouting to get his point across to Mina. Mina blew a raspberry at Iida before settling into her seat beside Hagakure again. Iida harumphed and scowled at his glass of orange juice. "Don't worry, Iida, I'm sure she'll listen to you someday." I comforted the down boy, trying to keep the smile out of my voice as I spoke.

After we had all eaten our breakfast, the entire class shuffled onto the training field to meet Dad. Every morning we would all meet on the training field to get instructions from Dad before we went our separate ways to work hard all day with our quirks. When we arrived, Shota was surprisingly already there, usually, we had to wait for him to drag himself onto the field. "Good, everybody is here," Dad muttered under his breath before raising his voice a bit to address the entire class. "As you know, for the last couple of weeks you have all been pushing your quirks to the limit. The reason for this, as I've previously stated, is so that you can take your provisional license exam in a week." Dad began, his monotone voice carrying around the silent crowd. "One part of being a hero is having a good finishing move. Something which ends a fight fast or otherwise severely weakens your enemy. My fellow teachers and I all feel as though the best way for you to pass your provisional license exam is for you to develop some special moves, therefore today we will be working in Gym Gamma with Cementos to develop them." Dad explained as the class let out exclamations of excitement. "Now go and get changed into your hero costumes and meet me back here in 15 minutes. If your late, you'll have to run 3 laps of this field." Dad ordered, already retreating into his sleeping bag. I had no idea where he kept that banana coloured monstrosity or why he thought whipping it out and sleeping in the middle of a field was a good idea, but I didn't want to question him. I decided to just follow the rest of my classmates towards the school where our hero costumes were.

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