Chapter 19: Provisional License Exam- Shinso

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*Shinso's POV*

I watched as Todoroki ran off, not even sparing a look at the group as he darted towards the industrial park. "Ok, well at least we have 17 of us." Yaomomo sighed, placing a hand on her cheek delicately. "Actually, 15. I think I'd be better off luring people into my traps away from you guys. Plus, Ice Burn ran away right after he received his walkie-talkie. If I need help, I'll call." I spoke up, giving my classmates a slight salute before taking off towards the city. The winding back allies and sharp corners were the best places for me to lure and trap people. I was hoping to use some of Eraserhead's techniques to get through the exam. It was still a pleasant shock to walk into my classroom every day and see my favourite hero slumped behind the podium, snoring his ass off.

Aizawa Sensei being my teacher was dream come true for me. He had been the one who had fought tooth and nail for me to be brought into the hero course. He had taught me how to use his signature capture gear. He had given me an opportunity which had pulled me away from a dark place and into the light. Giving me a chance to achieve my dream. Getting me away from...her.

I arrived in the city a few minutes after I had left the group. The actual exam was yet to start so I had some time to situate myself and get into the best position to take out some of my enemies. My gaze swept around the alleyway I was in, making sure to double-check that no one was around to potentially ambush me. Not seeing or sensing anyone, I decided to use my capture weapon to get up higher and search for potential victims to lure into my traps. Thinking about my strategy in such a villainous way made unpleasant memories surface.

Memories of classmates running away from me out of fear. Memories of my parents' faces smiling down at me and accepting me before their lives were claimed in a villain attack. Memories of my Auntie sneering at me and trying to change my quirk using sheer force. I remember her words vividly. " You'll be nothing but a villain, Hitoshi! No wonder your parents died! You're nothing but trouble! You're destined to be a villain! You could have protected them, but you're too weak!" my Aunt would scream these words at me practically every night. It was all part of my routine... until Aizawa Sensei found out.

"Bring your arm up a bit. Yes, like that. Hold the weapon lightly in your hands otherwise, you run the risk of getting pulled along with it." Aizawa Sensei advised, taking my arm gently and pushing it upwards so that my position was right. As Aizawa was holding my wrist, he pressed a bit too hard, causing me to wince. Usually, nobody cared or noticed when I flinched or showed any pain, but Aizawa was perceptive. He was bound to notice.

"Shinso. Why did you wince? What's wrong with your wrists?" Aizawa asked, his voice lost it's tired tone and was immediately alert. His eyes stared into mine in an extremely unnerving way. I turned my head away to look at the dorms in the distance. "It's nothing. I just got hurt last weekend." I muttered, not exactly lying, just not telling the full truth. "How were you hurt?" Aizawa asked, finally letting go of my wrist, however, his piercing and serious gaze still remained in me. "Oh, you know, I just tripped and used my arms to cushion my fall. It's nothing serious." I whispered, still refusing to look at my teacher. I knew that if I looked at him, I'd lose all of my nerves and end up spilling everything. "Ok. Just tell me if you get hurt again, or go to Recovery Girl." Aizawa said, though he still sounded suspicious.

Life continued after that. I trained with Aizawa every Wednesday evening and Friday morning. The weeks led up to our exams. There was only a week left before our written exams when my life changed. When Aizawa Sensei discovered one of my greatest secrets.

"Good! Good! Get your legs up Hitoshi! Keep a level head unless you want to lose it during battle!" Aizawa was shouting to me whilst I fought tooth and nail against robots. These robots weren't the same as the entrance exam ones. They were faster. Smarter. Quicker. I needed to keep on my toes, but it was fruitless. The weekend before had taken too much out of me. As I fell to the floor like a toppled tree, I knew that it had been a bad idea to visit my Auntie at the weekend.

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