Chapter 20: Get Your Head Out Of Your Ass

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*Izuku's POV*

Although it was a close call, the entire class managed to make it through the first portion of our provisional license exam. My hands were sweating profusely as I watched my classmates scramble around up to the last second. The sense of relief I felt when Aoyama tagged his last person was immeasurable, I could feel the weight of the world fall off of my shoulders. "Well done everybody!" Iida congratulated everyone as we stood in a tight circle in the corner of the antechamber, "We all made it through to the next portion of the exam and I couldn't be more proud of each and every one of you." Iida continued, pride and joy shining like stars in his navy blue eyes. Everyone returned Iida's beaming smile, patting each other's backs and retelling stories of their battle exploits enthusiastically. I smiled to myself as I turned away from my classmates to indulge myself with some of the food splayed out on the table beside me. "Hungry much?" a voice chucked from behind me. I looked up from where I was stuffing my face and stared at Kacchan and Kyoka with wide eyes. I felt like a deer caught in headlights. Kyoka and Kacchan laughed at me. I can't imagine I was a pleasant picture. My mouth was stuffed with food, my cheeks swelling outwards like a chipmunk's, and yet more food was still clutched in my hands. "Kyoka told me that you turned an entire portion of the arena into a lake," Kacchan said casually as he picked up an apple and took a frighteningly large bite out of it. I nodded and swallowed the mush in my mouth so that I could answer.

"Yeah. I was really worried that someone from the other school wouldn't be able to swim but as far as I can tell nobody was seriously hurt. It was a really stupid move to make." I mumbled to myself, staring off into the distance as other strategies whizzed through my head at light speed. Kacchan slapped me over the back, jolting me from my thoughts, he stared down at me with blood coloured eyes and shook his head slightly. "Can't change the past now, dipshit," he growled, patting my curls before straightening up at the sound of Mera's voice echoing throughout the room.

"Well done to all 100 of you who have passed the first portion of the exam. You have all shown good judgement and that you are capable in battle." Mera's exhausted voice reverberated off of the walls of the antechamber, silencing the hum of conversation. " Now we test your rescue abilities.". The word's had barley left the speakers when the sounds of string explosions echoed around the room. Everyone spun around to look at one of many TV screens dotted around the room. We all watched in horror and awe as the buildings in the faux city toppled and the industrial district exploded. I felt my stomach clench as people shambled across the ruined landscape.

"Your task is to save these actors. Every hero needs to be adept in rescue scenarios. To pass this portion of the exam you must retain as many points as possible. An agent has been assigned to each of you and they will deduct points from you should you make a mistake or endanger the lives of others." Mera's voice droned monotonously through the speakers. I looked up at Kacchan and saw his jaw lock. Varying emotions flickered across Kacchan's face. Anger. Hopelessness. Confusion. Although, anger seemed to be the most prominent one. Kacchan wasn't one for rescue operations.

"If you dip below 60 points, you will fail this exam. Each of you has 100 points to start with and each mistake you make is worth anywhere from 1-10 points depending on the severity. Understood? Good. The second portion of the exam will start in 5 minutes." Mera's voice echoes before the speakers went quiet and everyone was left staring at the perfect picture of destruction before us.

When everyone broke out of their trances, all of my classmate and me reformed our huddled and put our heads together to talk. "Ok. So as we are all aware, this is a rescue operation. Without meaning to offend, we all know that Bakugo isn't the best at these sorts of operations." Yaomomo sighed, ignoring the angry snort which came from Kacchan. "Also, Shoto isn't the best due to his lack of teamwork. I'm sorry Shoto, but it's the truth." Yaomomo continued, holding her cheek in her hand as she stared up at the TV screens. "The rest of us are moderately good to excellent at rescue work but we really can't take risks if we all want to pass this exam. We don't know what sorts of things classify as mistakes and what their point value is.". We all listed to Yaomomo intently, she was the smartest person in our class and one of the best rescue and support heroes.

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