Leona x Reader-Just Having Fun☁️

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Yes, (Y/N) (L/N) and Leona Kingscholar were sleeping around together. Had been for a while, actually, and while she was certain the whole school knew, she wasn't at all bothered by it. What bothered her were the feelings that had been growing inside her chest, feelings that lent themselves towards being actually feelings, not just a mutual attraction and need for stress release. She even considered telling Leona at one point or another. Until tonight, that is.

    Leona was fully spread out, picking at fuzz on his sheets while (Y/N) redid her dorm uniform. She was in the middle of attempting to comb her messy hair when he spoke.

    "We're just having fun, right?"

    Man, if (Y/N) had never felt heartbreak before, she sure felt it in that moment.

    Turning to him with the most convincing smile she could muster, she said, "Yeah." Then she finished tidying herself up and left the room without so much of a goodbye. It was hard to talk with this lump in her throat and tears slowly but surely streaming down her face.

    "Stupid." she said. "I'm so stupid."

    The next day, she didn't skip history like she usually did to go visit Leona in the greenhouse. Even Professor Train was surprised to see her in her seat, commenting on how he thought she had "mysteriously passed away" in all the time she was gone. At lunch, Ruggie came looking for her.

    "Leona wants to know where you were."

    "I had to be in class." she lied. He raised an eyebrow.

    "I'm not buying it." he said. "He wants to talk with you."

    "Tell him," she tightened her grip on her glass, "I don't... want to talk with him." Ruggie's eyes widened.

    "He's not going to like that," he responded. In a strange spark of confidence, she added,

    "Tell him if he wants to speak to me, he should do it in person, instead of sending his errand boy."

    She didn't wait for him to respond as she stood, throwing out her trash and walking out with a high head. She was right, wasn't she? If Leona wanted to talk to her, he should come see her face to face. The fact that he didn't even come find her really hurt. The words he said last night echoed in her brain. He wouldn't come see her. She was just his playtoy, after all.

    Things continued on like that for a week. She would avoid the greenhouse all together. At lunch, Ruggie would come find her, tell her Leona wants to talk. She would respond, "If he wants to talk so bad, he should come find me himself."

    She was thankful for Saturday, because that meant she wouldn't have to shoot Ruggie down again. She felt bad for the boy, Leona worked him to the bone, but he was starting to get on her nerves. She sat alone in her bedroom, flipping through a book she had already read a thousand times. There was a knock at her door. "It's open!" Someone walked in, closing the door behind them.

    She knew that voice. Her head shot up, her eyes meeting a brown pair she knew so well. Leona stood in her room, his hands stuffed into his pockets, his deep brown eyes leveling her with their gaze. But she had to stay strong. She was mad at him.

    "Didn't send Ruggie this time?" she responded, flipping the page. She was no longer paying attention to the words.

    "You weren't listening to him."

    "Gee, I wonder why." Leona was in front of her now, leaning against the bed frame.

    "Why are you pissed at me?" His gaze was different, strange. It was full of concern and uncertainty, as well as a drop of hurt. Just like that, (Y/N)'s hard shell was broken. She sighed, closing her book, and sitting up on her bed. She knew she had to tell him the truth, but that didn't make it any easier.

    "I," she bit her lip. "Leona, I... like you. So, when you said you were just having fun, I don't know." He was silent for a while, and it scared her. "So, yeah, um, that's all. Sorry, I don't think our late night, uh, get-togethers are going to happen anymore."

    "You're an idiot." Leona said. Before she could ask what he meant, his lips were on her's. The kiss was soft and kind, so unlike the kisses they shared in their meetups. "You should've said something sooner." He brushed a strand of hair from her face while she stared up at him with awe and confusion.

    "But you said--?"

    Leona cut her off with a sigh. "I heard some first-years talking about our relationship. They said you could do better than me, that if we were serious, I wasn't enough for you." (Y/N) shook her head, smiling.

    "Since when do you worry about what other people say about you?" she chuckled. That made him smile too.

"I guess you just bring out a different side of me." he replied. He leaned in again and (Y/N) couldn't fight the smile creeping on her face.

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