Request-Scaredy Cat MC (Savanaclaw)

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How would the Savanaclaw boys behave around a MC who acts like Zenitsu from Demon Slayer?

-MC was probably the biggest crybaby in all of Twisted Wonderland but could you really blame them?

-They wake up in a coffin, almost get burned to death by a raccoon, then find out they can't go home and they have to stay in this alternate dimension-other planet-wherever this place was?

-They jumped at every little noise, cried almost all the time, and basically was seen as the weakest link in the ramshackle quartet

-Perhaps that's why Leona decided to keep an eye on them

-MC noticed that Ruggie would follow them around, always careful not to get too close, until they needed help. Then he was by their side in an instant. 

-Then Jack joined the ramshackle quartet. He kept MC close, making sure that when Ruggie was away, he was there to protect MC

-One day, MC got separated from the others and, like always, they began to cry. Quite loudly. So loud in fact they woke up a certain dorm leader from his afternoon nap

-At first Leona was annoyed. He knew they were a crybaby but seriously? They were just lost in the gardens, and you could see the exit from where they were

-But then he saw MC's tear stained face, their puffy eyes, their red cheeks, and suddenly he wasn't so annoyed. He even invited them to sit with him until they calmed down

-Needless to say, when Ruggie and Jack came looking for MC, they found them asleep against Leona's shoulder and Leona with an expression that read 'If you wake them up, I will end you'

-After that, the Savanaclaw trio hung around closely with MC, often inviting them to watch their Magishift practices, and giving MC lots of protection from everyone and everything

-People stopped messing with MC once they realized 

-But one day, someone decided to make a sly comment about the Savanaclaw dorm in the presence of the three boys and their precious MC

-Before anyone had a chance to react, MC decked them. Hit them square in the nose and sent the student flying to the ground

-Leona was s h o o k

-So was everyone tbh, because scaredy cat, cry baby MC had just broken a kid's nose with one punch

-After though, they began crying because their knuckles were bloody and they Did Not Like blood. Ruggie thought he had just imagined the whole thing. He did not

-Basically, MC was a scaredy cat who could punch your lights out if you talked bad about their friends. And Savanaclaw made them an honorary member of the dorm

-It was Jack's idea, no matter how much Leona claims it was his

-MC was grateful no matter who's idea it was

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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