Boyfriend Headcanons (Heatslabyul)

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What are they like a a boyfriend?

Ace Trappola:

~This boy

~He pretends he knows exactly what he's doing but on the inside he's a nervous wreck

~Teases you a lot which makes you pout. He thinks your pout is cute which is why he does it

~Shows how he cares by giving you his food at lunch

~He also always has his arms wrapped around you in someway

~Gets jealous really easily but he tries not to show it

~You can tell though

~Whenever he gets grumpy you just kiss his cheek and tell him that you only like him

~Dates are spontaneous and fun

~Sometimes you two play pranks, sometimes you go out for food, sometimes you just have lazy days together

~He would be nervous to tell you he loves you

~Might accidentally blurt it out when during one of his jealous fits

~Which makes you laugh and kiss his cheek

~You tell him you love him too

~He is happy

Deuce Spade

~Baby boy is baby

~He gets so flustered he honestly has no idea what he's doing. He tries his best though and it's unbearably cute to see him get embarrassed when he tries to hold your hand

~Endures a lot of teasing from Ace, Grim, and Cater which only makes him more embarrassed

~He enjoys his alone time with you the most because he can finally relax

~Likes to rant to you a lot about things he enjoys and finds interesting

~Likes it even more when you rant to him about things you enjoy or find interesting

~Basically you guys are the cutest and sweetest couple ever

~Loves giving you small pecks on the nose and cheeks

~Dates are cute and casual, like picnics or going shopping together

~Would tell you he loves you randomly and most likely on accident

~He freezes up and goes beet red which makes you laugh

~Only relaxes when you say you love him too but he's still a blushing mess

Cater Diamond

~He's so happy all the time ever since you agreed to go out with him

~Takes pictures of you two together all the time

~All. The. Time.

~His feed now is just you and you and him. Mostly you and him

~He's very cuddly and loves to feed you at lunch, which grosses Ace and Deuce out

~Takes you on very cute dates almost everyday

~You two will stroll around the rose gardens or have picnics in the courtyard

~He's always telling you how adorable you are, without fail

~He also loves to brag about you to others, which gets on the nerves of the other students

~"Have I shown you pictures of my beautiful (Y/N)?"

~Yes Cater. Yes you have.

~When he says he loves you, it's when you two are alone in a very romantic spot

~He's gentle and quiet when he says it, with a small blush on his cheeks

~But when you say you love him too, he goes back to his usual energetic self

Trey Clover

~Compared to Cater, he's a much more reserved boyfriend

~Still absolutely adoring and loving though

~He'll bake you sweet treats for lunch and for four o' clock tea

~Loves to spoil you with little gifts and surprises

~Also loves to tease and make you blush

~You two are a lovey dovey couple and a top favorite of the younger Heartslabyul students

~Riddle is also less tense with you since you're dating his best friend

~You and Trey's dates are mostly baking dates and four o' clock tea parties

~With baking dates, he loves to stand behind you and guide you with stirring

~Also sometimes develops into a food fight

~Always started by him

~The first time he said that he loved you was after making you a special dessert for lunch

~He was blushing slightly when he gave it to you and you didn't know why until you looked at the cookies

~He had spelled out 'I Love You' with the icing

~You squealed and told him you loved him too

~He was very relieved to hear that

Riddle Rosehearts

~Oh boy how you ended up with him his a mystery

~All you remember is fighting, shouting, and then him suddenly confessing his feelings for you

~Needless to say you accepted

~He is a very doting boyfriend and his absolute favorite thing is to hold your hand

~Also loves to kiss your hand and cheeks

~You always giggle when he does it

~If anyone even looks at you the wrong way it's off with their heads

~Doesn't admit when he gets jealous but you can tell cause he gets super pouty

~You give him cuddles until he feels better

~Your dates are mostly tea parties and study dates

~You also love to eat Trey's sweets together

~He gets embarrassed if anyone teases you two which makes you cling to him even more

~Likes reading to you also

~He told you he loved you on a holiday break that you two spent together

~You were laying in bed together with his arms wrapped around you when he whispered it against your hair

~You leaned up and kissed his red cheek, telling him you felt the same

~After that, he told you almost every day, quietly, and always while blushing

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