Chapter Eleven

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(Louis’ P.O.V.)

Tessa had driven Harry, Kara, Cher, Niall, Rachel, Aiden, and I to the convenience store because we wanted candy and other unhealthy snacks. “It’s like a carb load,” Cher told Tessa. “Except there’s no carbs. Just candy. And chocolate.”

“I like chocolate,” Niall commented thoughtfully.

“Carb load for what?” Tessa asked pulling out of the driveway.

“Carb load for fun,” Aiden said simply.

“Can we stop calling it a carb load? We’re not eating carbs,” Kara muttered.

“Then what do we call it?” Rachel wondered.

“CANDY LOAD!” I shouted.

“Candy load it is. Tessa, step on it. I’m hungry,” Kara ordered.

“You’re not hungry, you’re basic,” Tessa snapped.

“Ouch. Louis, go get Kara some ice for that burn!” Harry shouted in Kara’s face. She giggled and smacked his cheek playfully and then they started to bicker, but in a way that wasn’t bickering at all. More like Harry and Kara expressing their secret love for each other.

“You know what I was just thinking about?” Rachel asked, turning to me.

“Chihuahuas?” I asked. She snorted.

“Nope. But their ear to head ratio is way off and it freaks me out. Actually, I was thinking about if I get sent home, I have to go back to school. Think of everything I’ve missed – I’ll be so lost! I’ll fail and then I’ll have to retake this year and I’ll have to drop out and become a hobo collecting chewed up gum for dinner – ”

“You’re so weird. Shut up,” I said, pushing her lightly on the shoulder. She smirked at me.

“You’re the one who was thinking of Mexican dogs,” she said.

“Well of course I was. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Louis, stop being weird,” Aiden said.

“Aiden, stop eavesdropping,” I snapped.

“I can’t help it mate, I just ship Rouis so hard – ”

“Shut up!” Rachel shouted, half laughing.

“Wait, hold up, Rouis?” I asked with disgust, causing the others to laugh. “Would that really be our couple name? That’s terrible! I’m sorry Rachel, but we can never date because Rouis is just too much. No,” I said shaking my head.

“Agreed,” Rachel said, nodding her head. I looked at her icy eyes for a moment, hoping she wasn’t taking me seriously, and then looked away.

“So Rache, what are you doing for your birthday?” Cher asked, turning around in her seat to face Rachel. I looked at her in surprise.

“Your birthday? When’s your birthday you big girl you’ll be sixteen WOW!” I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around her and ruffling her hair. She giggled and pulled away.

“It’s on Wednesday. And I’m not doing anything,” she said, looking at Cher. Cher pouted and rolled her eyes.

“You definitely are. We will find something for you to do, don’t worry,” she said with a wink.

“Hey, aren’t we going to that haunted house on Wednesday?” Tessa asked.

“Yep. For my birthday, I’m going to pee my pants. It’ll be interesting,” Rachel said, folding her hands across her lap. Harry glared at her.

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