Chapter 32

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I must have fallen asleep again, because I wake up again to the sound of the doork-knob turning and looking at the clock it is noon. I expect to see Darcy coming in, but instead, I see about five nurses. One of them is Roy, and suddenly I feel nervous

"Hello?" I say. "What's going on?" I ask.

"Can you stand up for me please?" one of the female nurses aks.

"Sure," I say confused. I stand up, and two nurses walk over to my bed. They start inspecint. Shit. Liam told. What the hell?!

"Kelis, do you know what this is?" one of them asked pointing to a puddle that hadn't quite gotten soaked in to the sheets yet,"

"No," I say, hoping to play dumb.

"Well, it looks like one of your meal replacement shakes. Do you know how that could have gotten there," she asks.

"I must have spilled a little bit, and not noticed," I shrug as the other nurses start stripping the bed and replacing the sheets with clean ones.

"That looks like more than just a little bit. Kesli, according to Darcy, the shakes are the only things you've had since you have been here. If you are not even drinking those, then we are going to have to find some way to get nutrientes inside you," she says. I don't like where this is going.

"Will you lay back on the bed for me," she asked. I turned around to see that my bed now has clean sheets and a new blankts. Now I'm on edge. Tentatively, I hop onto the bed, and all the nurses except for the one talking to me, she seems to be in charge, start busying themselves around the cart that they brought in with them.

"Since you've been here your vitals have dropped even lower. Dangerously low. Now we know that you are not eating or drinking what we provide, we have to resort to other measures. So, for the next couple of days we are going to give you an NG tube to just ensure that you are getting adequate nutrition, and if you improve on that, and start complying with your meal plan, then we can take you off of it. OK?" she aks

Suddenly everything feels numb and cold. I can't breathe. I shake my head profusely. "No," I say. "Fine, I'll have the damn shake or whatever,"

"You were already given that option Kelsi," she says as she turns around and nods to the other nurses. Suddenly, one of them is grabbing my face.

"Tilt your head back," she instructs, but instead, I started shaking my head now again as hard as I can. Trying to escape, I start thrashing around, hoping that if I can sit up, we can talk about this, and I can convince them that I don't need this. But, before I know it, I feel strong hands holding down both my arms and legs, as the main nurse holds my head still. I can't breathe. I feel something going up my nose. It burns. I try desperately to move, to rip it out, but whoever is holding me down is too strong, and I am far too weak.

I feel it going to my esophagus, I try to swallow, but it hurts too much. Holy shit, I can't breathe. Suddenly, I feel something prick my arm. "Breathe" someone is telling me. Then, everything starts to feel warm. I'm tired again. Weakly, I try to move my head again, but it stays in place. Why is the room so bright? I stare at the light. I feel kind of dizzy. I'm going to throw up. I try to tell them that, but nothing comes out of my mouth. Then i feel something sticky on my cheek, and the nurses at my hands and legs let go. Free at last! I'm relieved. I try to sit up, but find that I'm too weak. I feel paralzyed. I can't move.

I hear things and people moving around me, but nothing makes any sense.

"Will one of you stay here and keep an eye on her? I gave her some pretty heavy meds,"

"I will," says a deeper voice. I hear the door open and close. My eyes feel heavy. I reach up to touch the tube in my nose, but a hand forces my hand back onto the bed. I fight to keep my eyes open for a little bit longer. I can't. I fell into a deep sleep.

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