Chapter 1

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Todoroki Pov

It was just a normal day for me when it started. I had been in class, staring at the board as I saw Aizawa Sensei getting out of his sleeping bag. He began teaching, and I suddenly felt as something seemed to be coming up my throat, scraping it severely as it did so. I felt blood begin to fill in my mouth, and I quickly covered my mouth with my hand. I stood up and ran out of the classroom and headed straight for the bathroom. 

I quickly ran inside, shutting the door behind me and running into a stall. I fell to my knees and hunched over the toilet, opening my mouth and throwing up blood, but not just blood. Orange rose petals fell into the water. 

"......petals?..." I croaked. I continued coughing, several more petals falling into the toilet. I stayed in there for about five more minutes before flushing the toilet and cleaning up my face since I had blood running down my chin. I exited the bathroom and headed towards Recovery Girl's office. I walked down the hall, feeling pain in my throat. I soon arrived at the room, knocking on the door before entering. 

"Midoriya it isn't even noon yet- Oh? Todoroki? Is something wrong? I don't see anything broken." I walked towards a seat and sat down. "Uhm.....I'm not entirely sure if this is anything bad, but I just threw up orange rose petals...and blood..." Recovery Girl looked at me with a look of horror. "Todoroki, are you in love with anyone?" She asked suddenly. I gave her a confused look. "How is that related-" "I need to know!!" She yelled, cutting me off. "Okay! I'm in love with Bakugou! But I don't see how-" "This is bad. Very bad. Todoroki, you have hanahaki. Do you know what that is?" I shook my head, confused. She took a deep breath and grabbed a piece of paper, beginning to write on it with a blue pen as she spoke. 

"Hanahaki is a disease where you, the victim, coughs up flower petals, and sometimes a whole flower. The flower you get depends on who you are in love with. It's a disease caused from one-sided love. The flower is the person you are in love with's favorite flower, and the color is their favorite color. The disease causes a plant to grow in the victim's stomach, eventually ending in death. However, there are two ways to cure it. One, the person you love will love you back. If they do, a kiss will allow the plant to remove its roots from your stomach and you will throw up the rest of the whole plant, getting rid of the disease. Or, you can get the plant surgically removed, and the petals will disappear. But if you get the surgery, your love for the other person will disappear along with the petals." 

She handed me a note she had been writing, excusing me from class to go home. "It would be best to go home, the disease gets worse the closer you are to the person you love. Mainly the closer you are, the more likely you are to throw up petals again. And if you're right next to them, it's almost impossible not to." My mouth was open in shock when she finished. "So....There is a chance I'll die from this...?" I asked, scared. She nodded. "And a big chance at that. If they don't love you back in time or you don't get the surgery in time, the roots will penetrate your stomach and you'll die. I'm just really sorry it seems Bakugou favors roses. You'll have a better chance getting the surgery than trying to get him to love you back." 

I shook my head in disbelief. "I-I....." I couldn't think of anything to say. "If I were you, I would go home and tell my family. Hanahaki is a horrible thing." I nodded and stood up, turning to leave the room. I opened the door and as I was walking out I heard her say, "Good luck." I shut the door and walked to the classroom. As soon as I opened the door I heard the teacher's voice. 

"Todoroki-" I cut him off by handing him the note and walking to my desk, grabbing my backpack before heading to leave the classroom. "Todoroki~kun, why are you leaving?" Midoriya asked. "I got sick." Was all I answered before opening the door. "Tch, IcyHot bastard....Of course he gets to leave." I felt a pang of hurt go through me. "Sorry to make you jealous Bakugou, but I really don't think you'd rather be in my posit-" I covered my mouth and began coughing. I pulled my hand off of my mouth to see blood, freaking out and running out of the room. 

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