Chapter 5

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Todoroki Pov

The next day at school was... Not any better to say the least. I ended up throwing up twice as many flowers, hardly even being able to look at Bakugou. Kaminari helped me out with excuses for leaving in different classes and Aizawa had told other teachers I had hanahaki. When hero training came up, I could hardly stand to be near Bakugou. I almost broke down in tears due to how much the thorns scraped my throat and how much sharper they had gotten. I ended up having to leave, cutting my fight with Midoriya short. 

Kaminari ran after me when I ran to the bathroom, running inside with me and locking the door as I threw up more flowers. He knelt down beside me and rubbed my back. "Todoroki, you're gonna have to tell Bakubro soon...." He said to me. I shook my head. "There's no way he would ever like me, I mean I hardly act like I have emtions. I act like an empty shell half the time, who would like me?" I said in a doubtful tone before coughing up some more petals. "Then you need to get the sugery." "No. I don't want to forget loving Bakugou, no matter what happens I don't want to forget." Kaminari pulled me up to look at him. 

"Todoroki, I am NOT going to let you die to a stupid disease just because you're scared. Now you're gonna have to fess up soon, or I will go get Bakubro and lock you two in a room until you confess and are free of this disease. Now so help me Kami (a Japanese god) tell me you will tell him or I will make you." I looked at him and finally nodded. "Fine...I'll tell him, but not yet..." I said gently. "You better do it in the next week before your hanahaki gets any worse, if you wait too long this 'I'll tell him later' is going to end up making time cut too short and you'll die." I nodded slowly and got up to go clean my face and drink some water. We exited the bathroom quickly after and Kaminari rubbed my back in an attempt to make me feel better. 

"Oi Icyhot!" I heard Bakugou yell out, me and Kaminari sharing scared looks. "Well I'mma leave you two-" He turned and walked away, too quick for me to reach for him. "Dammit Kaminari don't- Shit...." I turned to face Bakugou and sighed, knowing that Kaminari had just abandoned me. "Now will you tell me why you keep avoiding me and hang around Dunce Face!!?" He asked in an angry tone. "Later. Please just later, I'll tell you in private but not now-" I felt thorns rise in my throat, feeling myself tear up. "Please not now-" I ran off and tried to find a trashcan or a different bathroom from the one Bakugou was just beside. I iced the ground and skated on it to find a place I could throw up the flowers. I managed to get to a bathroom and ran inside, locking the door and hunching over a toilet to throw up the flowers. 

I eventually finished, now crying. I pulled out my phone and called Fuyumi, sniffling as tears ran down my face. 

"Hello? Shouto, is something wrong?" I heard her ask. "H-Hey sis....P-Please come take me home..." "Oh Shouto did something happen!?" "I-It's gotten worse-" I let out a few sobs before speaking shakily. "I-It hu-urts Yumi... P-Please ta-ake me ho-ome..." "Oh Shouto, I'll be there as quick as I can, I'm heading to the car now. Go ahead and get your stuff together, I'll be there in about ten minutes." I sniffed and smiled slightly at how sweet my sister is. "O-Okay Yumi..." I hung up the phone, trying to dry my tears. I wiped my mouth and left the bathroom, pushing Bakugou out of my way as I skated back on my ice to the locker room and changed back into my uniform and got my stuff. 

"IcyHot, what the hell!?!? Why'd you push me!?!? Why are you fucking changing and getting your stuff!?!?" Bakugou yelled at me. "I'm going home." I said before pulling on my blazer and exiting the locker room to go tell Mr. Aizawa I was going to be picked up by Fuyumi. He told me to go back to the classroom, and I nodded before walking to the classroom. I heard Mr. Aizawa tell the others to hurry and that training was over, so they all followed behind me. I entered the room and sat at my desk, watching the others pile in. 

I sat there and looked down on my desk. About five minutes later I heard a soft voice call my name. "Shouto?" I looked up and saw my sister. "Yumi!" I quickly grabbed my bag and ran up to her to hug her. "Oi what the hell IcyHot!?!? What's wrong with you!?!?" Bakugou said. I turned to him. "I said I was going home." "Well why!? You just fucking abandoned Deku when you fought him and you pushed me away from you before just putting on clothes and going to leave!!" He looked angry, but also slightly sad and hurt when he spoke. "I said I'd tell you later, Baku-" I felt a tear roll down my cheek as a thorn scraped the inside of my throat and a rose fell into my mouth. 

I started coughing, turning and leaving the room quickly to find a trash can outside. I heard a conversation start when I finished coughing up roses. 

"Hi, I'm Fuyumi, Shouto's sister. You must be Bakugou, right?" I heard my sister say kindly. "Yeah, can you please tell me what the hell is wrong with Todoroki?" Bakugou replied, nicer than usual which made me a little shocked. "I'm sure you'll find out soon, don't worry about him." "He said he could die from what's making him stay away from me, I doubt he'll be fine." "You'll find out when he decides to tell you, which will hopefully be soon." Then I saw my sister walk out of the classroom towards me. 

She put a hand around my shoulder, starting to walk with me. "We'll get you home, me and Natsu will help take care of you." I nodded and rested my head on her shoulder, continuing to walk and just wanting desperately for the hanahaki to go away. We soon arrived at her car, me sitting in the passanger seat while she sat in the driver's seat and started the car, driving me home. We got home about ten minutes later, and we got out to go into the house. 

I walked inside to immediately see Natsu on the couch. "Hey Yumi, what was wrong with....Oh, Shou you're home. Did it get worse?" I nodded slowly, going to sit down on the couch beside him. He wrapped an arm around me and I looked down at the ground. I saw Yumi sit beside me and wrap an arm around my torso. I laid my head on Yumi's shoulder again, her and Natsu able to make me feel some better. 

"You need to tell him Shou." Natsu said, voice full of concern. I nodded again. "I said I'd tell him later, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to." "Shouto, he seemed really concerned about you when you left. I'm sure that you have a chance." "I know Yumi but I'm scared." She hugged my tightly before smiling. "It'll be okay Shouto, I know it will. You just need to tell him." I nodded and closed my eyes, humming to myself to help calm me down. A few petals fell into my mouth, and I wrapped them up in one of the tissues I kept in a package in my pocket. 

My phone buzzed and I pulled it out, unsurprised that it was Bakugou. 

Bakugou: IcyHot what the hell is going on with you!? You said you could die because of the reason you can't be near me and you won't tell me and because of that same reason your sister came to pick you up from school! What's wrong with you, just fucking tell me!!

My siblings read the message as well, looking at each other. 

Todoroki: I said I'd tell you later Bakugou. I'm just not ready to tell you.
Bakugou: If it can kill you then fucking tell me!! 
Todoroki: I said later. 
Bakugou: When is later!?!
Todoroki: Later, I don't know when or how to tell you but later. 
Bakugou: You should tell me fucking soon if it can kill you!!
Todoroki: Fine. It's Friday, I'll tell you Sunday. Sunday at 3pm. I'll tell you where later.
Bakugou: Good, you better not back out. I want to know what's wrong with you.
Todoroki: I won't. 

I put away the phone and groaned. "I'm screwed." I said. 

Bakugou pov

'Dammit, I've gotta wait two days. Two days for him to tell me, and now I won't see him until Sunday because he went home and probably won't come back to the dorms.'

School eventually ended and I walked back to the dorms in a bad mood. I decided to talk to Kirishima today. I entered the dorms and walked up to my room to change out of my uniform. I put on my black skull shirt and a pair of jeans, hanging up my uniform before walking and knocking on Kirishima's dorm to see if he was even back yet. There was no answer and the door was locked, so I went to walk away but saw him walking down the hallway to his room still in his uniform. 

"Oh Bakubro, did you want to talk? Here let me get the door open." He walked to the door and unlocked it before letting me in, shutting the door behind him and walking to his dresser to get clothes out for himself. He walked to the bathroom and quickly walked out in different clothes and hung up his uniform before sitting down on the bed beside me. He looked at me and read my face, quickly getting up and locking the door before sitting down again. 

"So what's up Bakugou?" "Todoroki again. He said he was going to tell me what's wrong with him Sunday, but I'm worried because he seemed like he really didn't want to tell me." Kirishima only smiled at me. "Well Bakugou, you could probably use this to your advantage and tell him you like him." "But what if he doesn't like he back?" "Bakugou, nothing ever seems to scare you, so why should this? It's not that hard, you just need to tell him. You can't be afraid of rejection." I nodded slowly. 

We talked all afternoon till dinner, me feeling way better now. We went down to eat, and when we finished me and him split ways to go back to our own dorms. I laid down on my bed and fell asleep, imagining what Sunday might be like. 

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