Chapter 7

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Todoroki Pov

I sighed as I layed in my bed under the blankets. I stared up at the ceiling, dread filling my mind as I thought about everything I could, giving myself plenty of stress. Today was the day. The day I was going to tell Bakugou that I loved him. 

"You can do this Shouto." I said to myself, turning to my left to look at my clock. It glared in my face, reading 9:34 AM. I turned back to looking at the ceiling and sat up slowly. I stretched out before standing up and walking out of my room and into the kitchen. I saw my siblings and smiled before getting a bowl of cereal and quickly beginning to eat. 

Fuyumi walked around the kitchen, cleaning up what seemed to be imaginary dirt. "So Shouto, are you nervous for today?" She asked. I stared into the back of her head with a look that could only be described as a bitch face. "Of course I'm nervous Yumi, I'm not just nervous either, I'm terrified." I shoved a spoonful of Queerios (fruit loops, they're just gay cheerios so I call em queerios) into my mouth and chewed before swallowing to keep my nervousness at bay. 

She turned to me and looked me in the eyes. "Shouto, I'm sure you'll be fine. Don't worry." She took my by now empty bowl and began washing it. I nodded and got up from the table, heading back to my room. I entered my room and shut the door behind me before walking to my closet to look for clothes. I eventually pulled out a purple plaid button up along with a pair of ripped skinny blue jeans. I grabbed a pair of boxers out of my drawer and changed into the new clothes before looking in the mirror at the outfit. 

I looked myself up and down in the mirror, questioning my decision. "Hm, looks nice. I need to fix my hair though." I exited my room and headed to the bathroom, brushing my hair and teeth and doing anything else I'd need to. 

'Hm, not a single petal yet, looks like I might be okay until I get to the forest.' I thought to myself. I exited the bathroom and walked into my bedroom again to grab my phone. I saw the time was now 11:10 AM since I had been wasting some time trying to calm myself down. 'Hey it's 11:10, I'll wait for it to be a minute so I can make an 11:11 wish like I used to do with Mom.'  I watched the time, the clock soon changing to 11:11. I closed my eyes and whispered, "I wish that this will work out how I want." I reopened my eyes and chuckled before turning off my phone and walking into the living room to go see Natsu. 

I walked in and sat on the couch next to my brother. "Hey 'lil bro, you doing alright?" Natsu asked me. "I think I'll be okay. I just gotta worry about the flowers....I haven't coughed up a single petal today and they could come up any moment." I replied, still slightly nervous but calmer now. 

I sat and talked with my brother, it soon being 2:45 PM. I decided to go ahead and go to the cherry blossom forest like I had said for Bakugou to meet me at. I walked at a hurried pace due to my nervousness, arriving at 2:55 PM. Knowing Bakugou he would be here soon enough, so I sat against a tree a little further in. I took deep breaths to calm myself. I saw him very quickly, smiling slightly but also worrying a lot. I waved slightly to let him know I was over there before putting my hand down and breathing deeply. 

I closed my eyes for a few seconds to calm myself, hearing the ground crunch beside me. I opened my eyes and looked to see Bakugou on my left. I motioned for him to sit down, smiling since the flowers hadn't come up yet. "So IcyHot, are you gonna tell me what's been wrong with you all week?" I took one last deep breath before speaking. "I'm sorry if I cut myself off, I can't help it. Being this close to you is a risk in itself but I'll be fine." I said quickly. He looked at me confused but didn't speak, urging me to tell him. 

"I...I have a disease called hanahaki, it's a disease caused from one-sided love. And basically it makes me cough up flowers, the flowers and their color depend on who the victim is in love with. But because the person I love has to favor-" Then the thorns came up. They scraped my throat, causing blood to fill my mouth. I pulled out a tissue from the package in my pocket and used it to cover my mouth as I coughed petals and blood. A few roses spilled from my mouth and out of the tissue, falling onto the ground. "Roses.....If I don't get rid of it quickly I could die. But since I have roses, the amount of time I have to get rid of it is even shorter, two to three weeks...The flower is based on who you love's favorite flower, and the color is their favorite color." I looked up at him, seeing his face full of shock and not in his usual scowl. 

"The closer the victim is to their love, the more the petals come up. And when you're right next to them it's almost impossible not to cough the flowers." I swallowed hard, it hurting due to the fact that the thorns had just scraped my throat. "There's only three ways for it to go, only two ways allowing the victim to live. One, they can be loved back. Two, They can get the plant surgically removed, but when the plant is removed so is the victim's romantic feelings. And three, the victim does nothing and dies due to the roots penetrating their stomach." I rubbed my eyes and tried massaging my throat. I gathered my courage before continuing. "Bakugou I.....I'm in love with you." 

He looked at me with a shocked face. "Bakugou I'm sorry I kept running away from you, it hurt me mentally to stay away but it hurt physically to be near you." I looked down at the ground, scared to have another petal come back up. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see him right in front of me. "Hey, I didn't know. I was confused about why you were staying away from me and a little hurt too because, well, I like you too damn it." Now it was my turn to be surprised. "Really?!?" I asked excitedly. "Yeah, now how the hell do I help you get rid of the fucking disease?" I smiled widely. "I just need a kiss." He smirked and held my face in his hands. "Well I can do that." He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine softly, a great contrast to his usual roughness. I kissed him back softly, mentally smiling to myself before pulling away as I felt a great amount of flowers and thorns rise up inside of me. 

I pushed him away from me slightly, moving over and holding myself up as I felt the plant come up. Large flowers came up, soon followed by less developed and soon just buds. The thorns on the branches and other parts of the plant scraped my throat as I coughed them up, eventually having coughed up everything, including the roots. I rubbed my throat and I quickly smiled. 

"B-Bakugou......Th-That was i-it! That w-was the whole pl-plant!" I said, stuttering a lot due to the pain in my throat. I put my right hand to my throat and used my quirk to help cool it down, helping my throat some. I turned to him and attempted to hug him, immediately ending up in a kiss more loving than the last one. I pressed my lips against his once again, wrapping my arms around his neck and tangling my fingers into his hair as I pushed against him and managed to pin him to the ground. He rolled us over so he was on top of me, making me blush profusely. He disconnected our lips with a smirk. "I'm on top." He said in a dominant tone. I chuckled to myself and pecked him on the lips again quickly. 

He sat back and let me sit up, and I hugged him tightly. "You got rid of my hanahaki....Thank you Bakugou, thank you!" I said excitedly. I could tell he rolled his eyes but he hugged me back anyway. I felt him stand up, holding me up with him. I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist to keep from falling. He started walking, holding me up by keeping his hands on my ass. I blushed hard and buried my face into his shoulder to avoid eye contact due to my embarrassment. "Ha, embarrassed, IcyHot?" I hummed in response as I buried my face into him even deeper. "Hmm....Why would you be embarrassed...." He seemed confused at first, but then I heard a chuckle and I let out a yelp as he squeezed my ass. I turned twice as red, if possible, and quickly tried to hide. "Aww, that was a cute yelp. I wonder if you'd do it again?" He squeezed my ass again as he walked, but instead of yelping I let out a small moan. 

I heard another small chuckle as he stopped and continued to walk with me in his arms. We soon arrived at my house, and I felt him set me down. I quickly put my legs out so I could stand up and looked at him. "Thank you." I smiled as I kissed him softly. He kissed me back just as soft before pulling away from me. "I've gotta go, the Old Hag doesn't know I left." I laughed a little. "Bye then." He lifted up a hand and started to walk away. I turned around and started to head inside when my phone buzzed. 

Bakugou: Love you, see you tomorrow dumbass. ❤

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