Chapter 2

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Todoroki Pov

The next day I went to school, walking to my desk slowly with a mask on my face. 

"Todoroki~kun? Why do you have a mask?" I heard Midoriya ask. "So no one can get sick because of me. I still have to come to class." I replied as I sat down. I looked forward to see Bakugou wasn't here yet. 

'You're gonna be okay Shouto, just calm down.'  I told myself. 

I rested my chin on my hand, staring into space. I was fine until I felt a petal in my mouth, but I choked it back and didn't do anything. I continued my thoughts, but felt a few thorns in my throat when I saw a certain ash blonde enter the room. And what was worse, is he walked right up to me. 

"Oi IcyHot, what was that yesterday!? You saying I'd rather not be in your position!? What the fuck was that, you couldn't even finish your damn sentence!!" He yelled at me. 

"Please....Back up...." I said, coughing. "You're wearing a damn mask, I'll be fucking fine. Now answer me!" I looked at him with pleading eyes. "Please.....Back...Up..." I kept coughing. When he didn't listen, I used ice to make him back away. 

"I'm-" I coughed, a petal falling out of my mouth and into the mask. "Sorry....I can't have you near me.." I heard him yell behind the ice. 

"Why is it just me!? You let damn Deku near you!!!" I kept coughing. I got up and walked hurriedly, but he grabbed my arm. He turned me to face him, and I continued coughing violently. 

"WHY IS IT JUST ME!?!?" He had a look in his eyes that was different than any I'd seen before. I didn't know what it was, but I could care less at the moment. I needed to go before I coughed up a bunch of petals. "Da-ammit-" I used my ice to make him get off me before running out of the room and to the bathroom. I quickly hunched over a toilet and ripped off my mask, several petals falling into the water. 

"I can't even have him near me....Dammit, it's hard pushing him away..." I coughed up blood and petals for a minute or two more before getting up and putting the mask back on. I flushed the toilet and washed my hands, before realizing and running back to the room. 

"DAMMIT!! THE ICE CAN KILL HIM!! HE'LL GET TOO COLD!! FUCK!!" I hurried to the room and used my fire to quickly melt the ice, leaving it for a bit to let him warm up before sitting down far enough from him. 

"Sorry Bakugou...." I said quietly before resting my head on my arms, laying my head down on the desk. 

'Maybe if I don't look at him nothing will happen? Ah don't be stupid Shouto, if he's near you petals will come up.' 

I heard footsteps come towards me, and I immediately created an ice wall. I looked up to see Bakugou again. 

"If you can talk to me from your desk I'll be fine, you can't be close to me. Now if you go back to your seat and talk to me from there I'll melt the ice." I felt bad for making him back away, but it was all I could do. He finally sat down and I melted all the ice, continuing to use heat to make the water evaporate quickly. 

"Now can I talk, bastard?" Bakugou said in slight annoyance. "Yes." I replied. "Why can you just not be near me? Like you let the damn nerd near you but you fucking put a whole ice wall and almost freeze me to death if I get within six feet of you." I sighed in response. 

"I can't really say why..." I turned and looked at the clock, seeing class would start in five minutes. "Why the hell not!?" I didn't answer, only looking down and staring at my desk, practically begging to disappear. 

Eventually Aizawa came in and began talking. 

"Alright everyone, get in your hero suits, we'll be doing training today. Todoroki, come with me." I looked confused but got up and walked to Aizawa anyway. He led me out of the room, and while everyone else was heading to the locker room we walked to his office. 

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