Chapter 6

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Todoroki Pov

The next day was Saturday, a much better day for me. I didn't cough up near as many petals, but that didn't mean I didn't feel a queasiness in my stomach. It wasn't because of the flowers, but because of the thought that tomorrow would be the day I told Bakugou about my hanahaki. The day I told him I was in love with him.

"Ughhhhhhh" I groaned as I feel back against my mattress. "Hey, you feeling okay Shou?" I heard Natsu ask. "Does being okay mean my stomach still feels like a thousand butterflies are in it like when you're on a roller coaster?" I heard my brother laugh a little. "That depends. Is it because of your disease or because of Bakugou?" ".....Bakugou...." I admitted quietly.

He came and patted my shoulder. I turned my head to look at him, seeing him smile. "You'll be fine Shou. Just relax." I nodded but didn't much calm down.

"Well I'm telling him tomorrow, telling him everything, even that I'm in love with him. Great, I'm screwed." I muttered to myself before grabbing a pillow and stuffing my face into it. I felt as Natsu pulled the pillow down and looked me in the eyes. "Shou, calm down. I'm sure you'll be fine, you're worrying too much. And you hardly ever worry about anyone or anything, so it's new coming from you." I looked at him. "Natsu, this is the first time I've been in love with someone, not to mention that because of it I am coughing up orange roses. My life is at stake here." I rolled my eyes and turned away from him.

I heard a sigh before feeling something heavy rest on my stomach, looking to see soba. And it was cold. I looked up to see he had given it to me before walking away. "Thanks." I called out before beginning to eat it. 

I finished it rather quickly, setting the bowl on my nightstand. I looked at my phone to see the group chat was active.

Midoriya: Todoroki~kun are you okay?
Kaminari: Yeah man, you alright?
Kirishima: Does anyone know what happened before he left?
Bakugou: I do.
Sero: Well what happened then?
Bakugou: He just freaked out and started coughing before blowing off Deku and leaving for the bathroom, Dunce Face followed him, then when they came out I was asking IcyHot what his deal was and Dunce Face walked away and when IcyHot started talking to me he started coughing before finishing his sentence and started crying before running off, going to a bathroom again and when I tried asking him what was wrong with him again he pushed me and went to the locker room and changed into his uniform before going to the classroom ahead of everyone and having his sister pick him up.
Ashido: With how you know that so well it sounds like you were watching him like you like him.
Bakugou: No, I just so happen to pay attention to things around me. 
Sero: How come you don't seem angry?
Bakugou: I can't be bothered with being upset, too busy wondering what's wrong with IcyHot. He said he'd tell me later, so I'm just trying to figure out what it is.
Kaminari: Well I'm worried if he's okay.

I started typing.

Todoroki: I'm fine. I just had Soba and I'm with my brother and sister and father hasn't been home so everything's good.
Midoriya: Is there something we can do? Do you want us to come over and check in on you?
Todoroki: I'm fine Midoriya. 
Bakugou: Oi, you still gonna tell me what your deal is?
Todoroki: I already said I would didn't I? Can't back out even if I wanted. 
Bakugou: You better, I'm sick of you just running off from me and not even finishing your damn sentences. 

Then I got a private message from Kaminari.

Kaminari: So you're gonna tell Bakubro? When?
Todoroki: Sunday at 3pm, I said I'd tell him a place later.
Kaminari: So you wanted to tell him in private?
Todoroki: Yeah but I don't know where. 
Kaminari: Well why not that cherry blossom forest no one goes to? There's plenty of soft grass and the cherry blossoms make the place look beautiful. 
Todoroki: Okay then, thanks Kaminari.
Kaminari: Anytime man.

Then, as if like magic, Bakugou messaged me privately. 

Bakugou: Where do I need to meet you tomorrow?
Todoroki: The cherry blossom forest no one goes to. That way no one will be there and it's just us two, I don't need anyone else in my business. I'm just willing to tell you.
Bakugou: Okay, but are you sure you can't just text me?
Todoroki: I need to tell you in person, face to face. I can't just text you, sorry. 
Bakugou: Fine. I'll meet you then. 
Todoroki: Okay, see you. 

"Universe you better be on my side today, I am NOT willing to go out there and have my heart broken." I said as I fell back against the bed again. 

I heard a knock on my door frame and the soft voice of my sister. "Shouto? Is everything alright?" She asked. I sighed quietly. "Well tomorrow at three I have to meet Bakugou in the cherry blossom forest to tell him. I'm scared." She walked over and sat beside me on the bed, sitting me up and hugging me. "I'm sure it'll be fine Shou, don't worry. Just believe in yourself, you can't doubt yourself like this. If something bad happens when you tell him, you can call me or Natsu and we'll be right there. I promise." I smiled weakly and hugged her back tightly. 

"I love you sis." I said softly. "Love you too Shou." She replied sweetly. I decided to try to just calm down like she said. 

I calmed myself down and relaxed in her embrace, imagining tomorrow. 

'It'll be alright Shouto, just relax. You'll be alright.'

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