Chapter 4

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Todoroki Pov

I felt bad for running away from Bakugou last night, I mean he just wanted to talk to me. But this disease has other plans than to let me near him. Dammit, I just want to be able to get near him, I want to kiss him but my hanahaki makes it impossible. 

I walked to class wearing a mask again, trying to keep any petals in. I kept my head down when I entered the classroom, hoping not to run into Bakugou. I sat down at my desk and held my head in my folded arms. I didn't look at anyone in hopes of my hanahaki staying at bay. 

'Please just stay back, I don't want to throw up flowers. I know I should probably just get the surgery, but I don't want to not love him anymore. I love Bakugou too much to even care for myself at this point. I'd rather die than forget him.' 

I layed there, no one bothering me until I felt someone touch me. I attempted to make an ice wall to make them back off, but realized I couldn't use my quirk. I finally looked up to see Aizawa Sensei. I sighed as I realized he was erasing my quirk. He stopped and motioned for me to go with him, so I stood up slowly and followed him to his office for the second time that week. 

We walked into his office, and he shut and locked the door behind him. "You still have the hanahaki huh?" I nodded in response. I decided if I didn't talk I might not have to worry about it as much. He looked at me seriously. "You should go ahead and tell him as soon as you can, the sooner the better." I shook my head. "I don't know if he likes guys..." Aizawa patted my shoulder. "I'm sure you'll be okay. But you need to confess before the disease gets too bad." I nodded, and attempted to exit. "I mean it Todoroki." I nodded again, exiting and heading back to my desk. 

I layed my head back in my arms and felt my senses flare, realizing several pairs of eyes were staring at me. I wanted to hide, but that proved impossible as that would draw more attention. I just stayed where I was and waited for them to stop. Aizawa walked in the room, saying, "Everyone, stop staring at Todoroki." I felt the eyes disappear, and was relieved. He began to call roll, but I didn't hear Kirishima and Bakugou. 

"Has anyone seen Kirishima or Bakugou?" Everyone said no. "Guess I'll mark them absent-" "W-We're here!!!" I heard Kirishima yell. "Dammit Shitty Hair, you just had to wake up late." "Says the one that wouldn't get up the first time I was awake! If you hadn't of said five more minutes then maybe we wouldn't be late!!" 

'They sound like they stayed the night at each other's dorms....Are they possibly dating..? I hope not, I love Bakugou.' 

"Oi IcyHot, what're you thinking about so intensely and why the fuck are you staring at me?" I shook my head quickly and looked down, a blush on my face. I avoided looking at him and hummed to myself to try and get rid of my blush. Bakugou walked over to me, and I quickly turned to him and outstretched my right hand in a warning to not get too close to me. He backed up slowly, sitting in his seat eventually but still looking at me. I lowered my hand but still didn't speak. 

Mr. Aizawa began to teach, all in all we had a very boring class. 

The bell rang, and we all headed to lunch, some talking with their friends as they exited, when others like myself said nothing and exited slowly. Bakugou walked over to me with the same expression on his face that I could never recognize. "IcyHot, can you please talk to me?" I just looked down at my feet and continued to walk, scared to talk due to my hanahaki. It hadn't come up at all today, so it was prone to come any minute now. "Dammit, I even said please....Just talk to me Dammit!! What's the point of even acknowledging I exist if you don't talk to me!?" 

'He sounds hurt.....Well, there's no reward with no risk. Plus, talking to him is the only way I'll get out of this.' 

I sighed heavily. "I want to talk to you, don't get me wrong, but it hurts me to. It physically hurts, so I can't very much. And it only hurts when I talk to you." I say to him, trying to keep some distance. "Why would it hurt you to talk to me?? And just me? Why!?" "I-I can't say, it'll probably make things wor-" I felt the scraping of thorns, now twice as sharp and my throat being scraped as four full roses filled my mouth. Tears formed in my eyes and began rolling down my cheeks as I held my throat by reflex, running off to find a bathroom. 

I rushed down the hall, crying as I ran. More loose petals filled my mouth, and I had to hurry to get to the bathroom. I eventually ran in, running to a stall and not even bothering to shut the stall door as I knelt in front of the toilet and ripped my mask off, opening my mouth and letting all the petals and roses fall into the water. I coughed up a lot of blood, feeling lightheaded. More tears escaped my eyes, my throat hurting horribly from the thorns. 

"Yeah I'll see ya there Kiri- Todoroki...?" I heard Kaminari from behind me. I continued to cry, blood dribbling out of my mouth. I heard him walk over to me, looking over and seeing the flowers. "Orange Roses....Oh Todoroki, you have hanahaki don't you?" I nodded. "Who likes orange- Oh, it's Bakubro isn't it?" I nodded again, continuing to cry. "The thorns hurt....." I whimpered, my vision darkening slightly. I quickly used my ice quirk and put my hand to my head to help it. 

"Do you want me to help you to Recovery Girl?" He asked me. I nodded and stood up slowly. I flushed the flowers and blood away, walking with Kaminari to Recovery Girl's office and arriving rather quickly. 

We walked inside, and immediately she noticed the blood running down my chin. "Oh Todoroki! How bad was it just now!? And.....Oh, someone found out..." I nodded, more tears still falling down my face. "F-Four full roses....Petals....Thorns so much sharper...Hurts..." I cried, only making my throat even more sore. 

She sat me down on the bed, and I felt more blood in my mouth. The blood ended up running down my chin, and she quickly handed me a tissue to clean it so my uniform wouldn't get any blood on it. "I-I don't even know if I could tell him because I don't even know if he likes boys and just-" I choked on tears for a few moments before being able to talk again. "I'm scared..." I felt myself being given a hug, realizing it was Kaminari. "Hey, I can tell you for sure Bakubro is gay. But about anyone he likes, I'm not sure. But there's a huge chance, I mean, look at how upset and hurt he gets whenever you seem to ignore him." I smiled softly, but felt another petal and coughed into another tissue. 

"These petals.....They're so pretty but they hurt..." I got a text, and I saw it was from Bakugou.

Bakugou: Where the hell did you just go?? You just ran off and couldn't even say the whole thing. Could you at least tell it to me texting?

I sighed and began to text back, leftover salty tears running onto my lips and mixing with the metallic taste of blood.

Todoroki: I won't tell you over text, I'll have to say it to your face. 
Bakugou: Well then come to lunch and tell me!
Todoroki: Not so easy. I'm in Recovery Girl's office right now.
Todoroki: This has been going on for a while, don't be so worried about it. Sure I can die from it but I'll be fine. 
Todoroki: I'll tell you to your face later. 
Bakugou: WELL THEN WHEN!?!?
Todoroki: Later, I'll text you about where to meet me later.

I closed my phone, grabbing another tissue and wiping my wet eyes gently. 

"Well, no going back now....I have to meet him and tell him later.." I shook my head in doubt, my throat still very sore but not as bad. "Is there anything you could do for my throat?" I asked. She shook her head. "I'm sorry but I can't do anything." I nodded slowly. She did what she could before sending me on my way, me and Kaminari heading to lunch. I walked slowly with my head to the ground, a new mask on. 

We headed towards the lunchroom, the both of us getting our food and splitting ways. I sat at my usual table away from everyone, eating my soba as I saw Kaminari walk over to where the so called bakusquad always sat. I avoided looking at Bakugou as much as possible, and I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took it out and looked at the messages. 

Bakugou: How come you and Dunce Face came back together?
Todoroki: He's the one who took me to Recovery Girl.
Bakugou: So you didn't go on your own?
Todoroki: No. Hey, Sero is trying to steal your curry. 

I set my phone down on the table, going back to my soba and hearing Bakugou start yelling at Sero. I laughed a little before coughing, eventually just drinking some water and continuing to eat my food. 


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