be sus

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AN: sorry for taking like 4 months to update tally hall amogus i had to actually decide how/when i want to end this wretched story god bless.

"andrew" sez zubin. "i don't think you understand. you're literally sus."

"not really. i don't think so."

"no andrew. you don't get it." zubin's eyes start to turn red like an emo roblox character. "if you're the imposter, you're automatically, by default, sus. it's the way of the world. the way of the skeld. the

"i'm literally not sus. i don't know what you're talking about zubin. you're crazy." gaslight gatekeep girlboss

zubin's hair sticks up like an anime character. above his head now reads "zubin // 20-something // straight // emo // eyes turn red when mad" just like a roblox roleplayer.

yes this story "takes place" during the tally hall era yes i know among us didn't come out until 2018 just let me have this please guys please

"NO Andrew!!!! You Are Sus!!!!" zubin insists.

"literally what is a sus" andrew takes a sip of sus flavour tea (the kind you buy at walmart for 5 sussy dollars) "sus isn't even a word. i don't know what you're talking about"

"yes you do!!!!!!!!!" zubin is frothing at the corners of his mouth, screaming. "the imposter is sus! the imposter is always sus!!!!"

"zubin it's not that big of a deal. you're overreacting. calm down. stop being pressed ✨ cope ✨". the twitter users have gotten to andrew. time to put him down.

"ggOSH guys can you two be quieter" joe is still here, remember him? "my hEAd hUrts sO bAd #please #be #quiet"

"what the fuck why are you talking like that" andrew said this btw

"he always talks like that though??" rob is also here, remember


"I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR IMBECILES!!!" zubin is pressed & not coping. he looks directly at joe & immediately joe falls unconscious. i mean he's sitting down so he doesn't really "fall" he just kinda slumps over.

the other three look at joe & individually start screaming in perfect harmony. it was beautiful honestly. you would have shed a tear if you heard it.

"is he dead??" rob starts poking joe. "what did you do zubin :((("

"the imposter has blessed me with powers beyond your comprehension."

"how's that working out for you?" andrew isn't that bothered by it honestly

"i am tortured with visions"

"same!!!" says ross nonchalantly

rob picks joe up & opens their door. "c'mon guys we have to go hold a funeral :("

"but we didn't do this with anybody else??" andrew is confused

"yeah we don't really need to... joe is probably fine. probably." ross isn't a doctor obviously. zubin would be if this "took place" in modern day but zubin can't be a doctor right now because he's emo

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