.twenty seven.

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The next morning, Aang was gone. He completely vanished from the beach house. The only evidence that he was even on ember island the night before was his footprints on the beach and his staff that he left.

"Maybe he was kidnapped?" Katara stated.

"There's no struggle, so I don't think so."

"Maybe he's on a spirit journey." Sokka said proudly.

"Then where's his body?" Zuko asked.

"Oh right."

Y/n stood at the edge of the shore where Aang's footprints disappeared. She didn't know why, but she could feel him. She could feel his life force and emotions swaying like the breeze. Then suddenly she could feel everyone. The energy of the lives around her, and those of who had been and who would come.

She could feel the emotion and spirits. The energy of the ocean spirit was in her grasp, Yue's energy was at the edge of her finger tips.

"Do you feel that?" She mumbled, her back still turned to the group.

"Feel what?" Sokka asked.

Y/n turned to her friends, grasping her head. She fell to her knees, her forehead throbbing. Katara ran to her side, Zuko on her other side.

"Y/n... why are you glowing?" Sokka asked.

Her shaky vision shot to her extremities. Her Sun Warrior tattoos were glowing vibrant reds and blues, swirling with hints of white in their wake. She could feel the energy buzzing under her skin. The tattoos on her hands, they were of Ran and Shaw. The markings were glowing their respective colors, the eyes pure white.

"The dragons..." y/n mumbled.

"What was that you showed me?" She asked.

"The secrets of the world and what inhabit it." Was all she got as a reply.

"Secrets of the... We have to find Aang!" She yelled abruptly. Y/n let Zuko and Katara help her to her feet.

"Why are you all looking at me?" Zuko asked.

"Because you're pretty much the master at hunting the avatar." Toph replied.

"Yeah, if anyone can do it, it's you." Katara added.

"Follow me."

"June!" Y/n called out over Appa's back. The woman in question looked back at the sound of her name, and when she saw y/n, she began grinning.

"Hey pretty Lady, changed your mind about that date?" June asked, turning her Shirshu around to face her.

"Not at all." Y/n chuckled, hiding the pain in her voice.
"But we need to borrow your Shirshu again." She said as she held out Aang's staff.

"Anything for you pretty lady." She smirked, letting the animal sniff the legnth of the staff. After a while the beast stilled, as if it didn't smell anything.

"What's wrong with it?" Suki asked.

"It doesn't smell anything. Whoever you're looking for doesn't exist." June replied.

"Aang doesn't exist??" Sokka asked.

"Or his scent isn't on whatever that is." June stated.

"Wait. There's one person I know that can help us." Zuko said, digging in his bag for something.

"Don't tell me you still have-" y/n cut herself off with a groan as Zuko pulled out one of Iroh's old sandals.

"You keep your uncle's old sweaty sandal?" Katara asked.

"It's kind of sweet." Toph added.

Zuko held the sandal to the Shirshu, watching it catch the scent and run off with June as it's jockey. The group hopped back on Appa and followed it until they were led to the broken wall of Ba Sing Se, where they camped for the night.

Y/n tossed and turned against the hard ground where the group was laying low for the night. The energy under her skin wouldn't let her sleep. It was whirling into hot thunderstorms and crashing against itself in scolding waves, making y/n shift uncomfortably every three seconds.

"Y/n. Go to sleep." Zuko whispered, Peering at her through the dark.

"I can't." She whined, a crack in her voice.
"I can feel everything, it's like right under my skin. I don't know what's going on, it burns."

She whined, sitting up and whiping the tears from her eyes. Zuko looked at her in sympathy.

"Is that why your tattoos are glowing?" He whispered, getting up from his spot against Appa. He sat down in front of her, reaching out to hold her against his chest. Y/n didn't flinch away, grabbing his shirt tightly.

"I don't know how to stop it." She cried.

"I wish Iroh was here." Zuko mumbled lowly to himself.

Suddenly Toph sprang up from her spot on the ground, and the area around the group was surrounded in flames, waking everyone present.

"Well, look at what we have here!" An old voice called out from overhead. Y/n squinted as she looked up from her spot on the ground. Slowly she stood to approach the newcomers.

"Bumi?" She mumbled in disbelief.

"Pakku, Jeong-Jeong, Master Piandao? How did you- look I know I said I'd visit you but I've had a very rough year!" She said defensively.

Jeong-Jeong patted her head softly.

"We know, y/n. It's okay." He said with a smile.

"Wait, y/n you know these guys too?" Katara asked.

"You know them?" Y/n asked.

"The real question is how do you all know each other!" Sokka stated, pointing a finger at the older males.

"All old people know each other, don't you know that?" Bumi asked.

"We're all a part of the same secret society, one that transcends the division of the four nations." Piandao said.

"The order of the white Lotus!" Zuko and y/n said at the same time.

"That's the one!" Bumi laughed.

"There was a call that came out from a grand Lotus. You're uncle, Iroh of the fire nation."

"That's great! Because that's who we're looking for!" Toph said.

"Then we can take you to him." Pakku smiled.

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