Wither thou goest

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Livvy was holding her locket, sm thing she does when she is very exited about anything. Ty kept his arm around her and smiled.  Livvy returned his smile, she still couldn't believe it, she and ty were becoming parabatai!
They walked into the city, escorted by Emma and Julian.
Her big brother and his parabatai were smiling like idiots. Livvy smiled feeling immensely happy, her ty, her lovely twin was going to be her parabatai in a few mins!!

They reached the place where they recite the oath to eachother and then they will be parabatai.. forever

They both went to the circlet of fire, held their hands and started reciting their oath

Entreat me not to leave thee,
Or return from following after thee—
For whither thou goest, I will go,
And where thou lodgest, I will lodge.
Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.
Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried.
The Angel do so to me, and more also,
If aught but death part thee and me.

After the oath they placed their runes on their hearts and there they were Parabatai now!!
Livvy and Ty were very very happy!

Okay..idc abt wat all of u say but according to me Livvy is NOT dead. And this has been in my mind for quiet some time...

Feel free to tell me my mistakes through comments and dms.
Thank you for reading
Love ya'll.

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